Chapter VII

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"Whaaaaatttt...?" Skylar said, shocked by the revelation and I placed my hand on her shoulder "Trust me sky, I had the same reaction before" I laughed at her reaction "You knew about this? But you told me he has a girlfriend!" she exclaimed "Well, yeah, he is my bestfriend way before right? And I needed an excuse before I start blurting out his secret" I gave her a sly grin.

It took a couple of minutes for sky to compose herself "Okay... So a gergeous guy like you likes other gorgeous men too?" She asked, but still had her eyes wide open and art nodded "Oh well, sistahs?!" Sky squealed like a preppy cheerleader and it didn't take long for Art to get along laughing and saying "Sistaaaahs!"

That was a fast transition of Sky's emotion.

I laughed at their silliness "Come on guys, people might stare at us" they roles their eyes at me "don't be such a buzzkill mabes" he winked at me playfully.


The day went on fast and my dad still teased me with Art after we were done with dinner.

"Dad. When will you stop pairing me with someone who will never like girls?" I asked, exhausted.

My dad look at me, worried "What's wrong little munchkin?"
"I'm just tired dad, school was tiring"
"Do you want to live in a dorm or an apartment of your own together with Wharton munchkin? Because alot of teeanagers would rather live by their own at college rather than to live with their old pops. And it might save you and the time and energy whenever you travel to school."

I held my dad's hand "Dad, we've talked about this, I want to stay here, and I'm not like most teenagers dad and I don't think Art would like to move to a dorm because we think alike and he is a home type of person."

"If you sa so munchkin" I gave my dad a goodnight hug and went upstairs, Art's probably asleep by now.

I slowly opened the door and saw him lying on the bed, sleeping, as I thought so. I quickly took off my clothes to change into my pajamas, but then a sleepy voice filled the room "Mable? I'm sorry I fell asleep waiting for you to come up--" my eyes widen at his voice and turned around to see if I wasn't just hearing things, I was naked. There he was, looking at me with his jaw dropped "Mable! Why are you naked?!" Art covered his eyes in agony as I screamed, loud enough for the both of us to hear. I quickly changed into my pajamas "I was changing into my pajamas and I thought you were sleeping!" we exchanged stressed out looks "Please forget about what you saw Art" I pleaded with my eyes closed, embarrassed by what happened.

"Noted. I'll just bump my head outside to get an amnesia, let me just drive my car" a hit his arm playfully although my face was heating up so badly "Stop joking around" I laughed.

Silence suddenly entered the room.

He gulped and it echoed throughout the silence "So..." he continued "I was waiting for you, maybe we can habe some girl talk. You know? We haven't hang out for a year and I missed you so much Mabes" he hugged me like I disappeared 100 years ago, which is very exaggerating.

"I missed you too Art" I hugged him back, forgetting about all the awkward situation we had awhile ago.

I noticed the pictures of his boyfriend on my walls.

He looked older than us, more like in his late 20's or early 30's, I wonder why Art's interested in older men...
"So, what's his name?" I gestured towards the pictures "Oh, he's Kyle, Kyle Martin. We met at my friend's party. We talked and found out that we have the same interest and that he's interested in guys, and is interested in girls too" he stared at the picture "So he's a... doubleblade?" I asked, a little bit shocked "What does that mean?" he asked "You know? When you like both genders?" I shrugged "Well, I guess so?" He scratched his head "Doesn't matter anyway" he sighed dreamily while watching Kyle's picture, I pretended to puke "Okaaay, little highschool gurl. We still have to wake up early tomorrow 'cuz we practically have the same schedules" I nudged his side "Yah, you're such a stalker mabes" he rolled his eyes in a joke and I just laughed "Hey! You were the one who suddenly knocked on my door and now lives with me!" now we just laughed at ourselves.

"Oh stop flirting with me Mabes" he flutters his eyelashes like a butterfly "Whatever, let's just sleep" I turned off the lights and fell asleep. Well, at least I tried to sleep.

My current situation with Art filled my thoughts, curious as to why this happened.

"Hey Mabes?" he asked with soft voice "Yah?" I answered back "I can't thank you and your dad enough for taking me in. I mean, I really mean it, thank you so much Mabey" for a minute there, my heart fluttered for him calling me Mabey, which was close to baby "You really are a true friend" friend. Right. 'Friend' will be my forever tag. At least there's a forever in it right? Oh the irony.

"You're welcome Art. You can always count on me" I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


"So... What are your plans for the school's winter ball?" Skylar asked, looking at the two of us.
"Um, I don't know? I'm not really into those kinds of things" I said, taking a bite of my burger "Don't be such a party pooper mabes" Art said "You've been like that since highschool!" he shook his head "What can I do? I grew up being an introvert" I raised my hands in defence "Please Mabes, I'll be so thrilled to see you go! For me? Pahleeeaaaseee. I'll be your date!" he beamed at me like a little boy, wanting a candy "Aren't you supposed to ask me to be your date for that, rather than declaring it on you own?" I laughed "Oh come one, we live in a generation where labels don't matter and everyone jumps into conclusion" he rolled his eyes "And besides, this will be our first ball together as college students Mabes. Please?" he pleades for my answer with his big eyes, imitating a helpless puppy. Oh man, I can't decline if he continues this act. I sighed "Fine, I'll go" both Art and Sky let out a victory dance, which was earning a few stares from others, I facepalmed myself, laughing of course.

"I still have to find something to wear" I trailed off, mentally going through my closet for a decent dress, but failed to find one.

"Don't worry Mabes, I got your back" Art winked at me "And I'll do your makeup" Sky beamed at me "Thanks guys, you are the best" I hugged both of them.

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