32; Bad Boy Whatcha Gonna Do

Start from the beginning

He nods. I can tell he doesn't believe me, but I'm glad he lets it slide.

Kaylin beams and turns back to Michael. "Let's talk outside. And Leah, please for the love of god wear that to the graduation ceremony."

As they walk away one of the staff comes up to me, asking me whether I want to buy the dress. I tell him I'm not sure yet and enter the dressing cubicle to change into my clothes.

The same staff from before approaches me again as I am handing the dress back to the person in charge of the dressing rooms. "It looks great on you. I would definitely recommend."

And I definitely know you're only saying that because you want me to buy from your store.

"I'm going to look around first. Thanks."

As I walk away I can tell that he's still watching me. What is his deal? If he wanted tips, I would've been happy to give him some for complimenting me.

No doubt, the store sells beautiful dresses, but I want something simplistic. In the end, though, I buy the same dress that I had tried on before. Kaylin and Emily are going to be ecstatic once they know I actually bought it.

After Kaylin finally parts ways with Michael, she runs up to me, squealing the whole way through. Emily is too busy with Cory so I am stuck listening to Kaylin ramble the whole way to the salon by myself. Not that I am a bad friend, I just don't think I'm a good listener. Things distract me quite easily and I find it hard to keep my full attention on Kaylin's words.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asks as we enter the salon.

"Yeah," I defend as the smell of chemical fills my nose.

At the end of the day, we're exhausted as we enter Cory's car. He had been nice enough to drive us to the mall. Rylan would never in his right mind even bring Emily anywhere except his bedroom.

He drops me off first since my house is the closest to the mall, and I start to thank him but he waves it off, saying he loved hanging out with all three of us. This makes me jealous. Emily is extremely lucky to have found someone like him.

"Oh, your hair!" My mum is screaming as I set my shopping bags down on the kitchen counter. She immediately starts to touch my hair, admiring it. "What did you do to it?"

"I just got it cut. I was getting tired of my long hair."

"It feels so soft."

"They put some kind of hair mask on it when they washed it."

She continues to bounce my hair in her hand, grinning. "I can't believe you're graduating already. Oh, by the way, someone sent you a package. I don't know who it's from but the mailman said it was for you."

"Where is it?"

"I put it upstairs on your bed along with your phone. I thought you might want it back for graduation."

I kiss her cheek goodnight before grabbing my shopping bags and jogging up the stairs, excited to see who had sent me a package.

The box is wrapped in brown paper, almost the same as the wrapping they use to wrap the flowers in Mrs Oliver's flower shop.

There is nothing on it except my address and a random bunch of numbers and barcodes. I eagerly open it, curious as to who had sent it.

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