19; Forgetting The Bad Boy

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Short chapter oops


I stare at Hunter with no shame as he walks across the schoolyard. There's an empty feeling in my chest whenever I look at him. It's almost like the universe is punishing me. Every day he looks better and better.

I know I shouldn't have asked for that last kiss, but I don't want to regret not saying anything to him. I don't want to regret it when his face is imprinted in my mind as I touch myself late at night.

The weather hasn't been getting any better lately either. In a way, I think it kind of reflects my sombre mood. I miss the sun. I miss the way it warms my skin. I miss the way it makes his eyes sparkle. I miss everything about it.

Hunter doesn't talk to me in class anymore, let alone even give me a glance. How am I going to face the fact that I might walk down Emily's hallway and then not say anything when I pass him?

But then again, he is barely home. Besides, if he, by any chance, is home, I wouldn't be surprised if he was to leave as soon as he knows I am visiting.

Matthew knows about Hunter and me like I know about Vanessa and him. In a way, it has strengthened our friendship. We have our own little secrets. I'm glad there's someone who doesn't want to constantly talk about Hunter every single time we meet. He's like a breath of fresh air.

Do you ever have that feeling that even though you've only met someone for a few days, it feels like you've known them for forever? That's how I feel with Matthew. We just clicked instantly.

"Hey," a voice greets from behind me. I pluck on the grass as I turn to look at Matthew. He makes sure the spot of grass isn't damp first before sitting beside me.

I lean back as he stretches his legs out and leans back on his hands. I rest my head on his thigh. "Feeling good, Matt?" I ask as I study his face.

He huffs, slightly smiling as he tilts his head up to the sky and closes his eyes. I do the same, pretending the sunlight is hitting my face. If the sun doesn't come out anytime soon I think I might even forget it exists.

"Fine. I'll feel better if the sun was out."

I snicker, loving how similar we are.

"Have you talked to Vanessa at all?"

"No. Girls like her don't latch on to someone like me."

I open my eyes to look at him but close them again when I see he still has his face tilted up towards the sky. "Girls like her?"

"Yeah. Pretty girls. Too pretty."

I smile. How typical. "You'll find someone, though. Just like how I'll find someone. You and me both." I know I'm not making any sense, but my head is too far up in the clouds for me to care. "Let's get married, Matt."

He hums. "I want to get married under the sun."


"Saturday afternoon. I'll pick you up."

After that, the day goes by quickly. Suddenly it's already Saturday and Matt and I are laying down on the warm sand, the sun hitting our skin. I listen to the crashing waves. Happiness fills me.

"I love this, Matt."



"Us, you mean?"

"Are we quoting Call Me By Your Name?"

"Yeah," he mumbles, chuckling to himself. I do the same. He sounds like he's enjoying himself.

I bury my toes in the sand. "I'm getting a cold drink. You want one?"

"Yeah. Lemonade would be nice," he replies as he takes his sunglasses off.

I fish some money out of my bag, starting to walk towards an open shop.

"One iced tea and lemonade."

The cashier nods. I hand him my money and turn, facing the beach. For once it feels like the world is bright again. The sunlight that reflects off the water blinds me, but I appreciate it as much as I can because I know, later on, I'm going to come back to my freezing, small town where the sun never shines for more than one day.

"Hey, I know you." I look at the blond guy beside me.

"You do?" I ask.

"Yeah. You were at Grey Cove, weren't you? Your blonde friend was there too."

So this is the guy who had helped Emily jump off the cliff in Grey Cove that time I skipped. "I'm Leah."

"I'm Cory. Are you friends with Emily?" He asks as we shake hands.

I nod. "Yeah, she's my close friend. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too. Let me pay for your drink."

"Oh, it's fine. I'm buying one for a friend too."


"No. His name's Matt." I point toward Matt who's still lying on the sand, unaware that I'm talking to Cory.

He frowns a little. What a small world. "No worries. I'll pay for you both if you give me Emily's number."

"I don't know if she'd like that. She has a boyfriend too."

"If she doesn't like me back I promise I'll stop texting her."

In the end, I end up giving him her number, but after making him promise that he won't text her again if she tells him to stop texting her.

"You're welcome. Are you here with anyone?"

"Yeah. My sister." When he points towards the water I squint to see her, only to almost gasp when I see who it is.

"Your sister is Vanessa?"


Okay, I know this chapter is extra shit and short but I've been really down lately. My uncle passed away yesterday morning and he was like my idol. I'm going to his funeral this Sunday and I just feel kinda shit. Might update after Sunday idk. Okay peaceee ❣️

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