Burn It To The Ground Part I

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The mind of a human, werewolf or not, truly is the scariest thing of all.

The way it can hone in on one emotion, heightening your senses and making all other thoughts diminish completely. The only thing you can see is your goal that lies ahead, the only thing you feel is the raw determination and perseverance beginning to churn inside of you like a hurricane, breathing life into your soul, nothing else enters your mind, nothing else can deter you.

So down the empty hallway, I stalked, only one thought on my mind.

Nothing was going to stop me now.

I followed a familiar path that I used to be dragged down, a path that led to my final destination.

I knew I wouldn't be alone in this hallway for much longer and I also knew that if I was going to finish this, I was going to need a little help.

And I had the perfect prisoner in mind.

I could sense him from a mile away. I knew exactly where he was.

I took off sprinting towards the cell, my feet never making a sound. I could smell him along with two other wolves, guards.

I slowed to a stop near the end of the hallway, the cell was right around the corner, along with the rest of them.

I looked down to the floor and saw a long aluminum pipe laying around. I smiled to myself and slowly picked it up, careful to not make a sound.

My beast was beginning to pace in my mind, itching to be let out, but she knew we had to be patient. Now was not the time.

I peaked my head around the corner to size up my prey.

They were two decent sized males, warriors, but they were lesser wolves. They were no match for me.

I closed my eyes, gathering my strength and channeling it before releasing a calm breath. I snapped my eyes open and slammed the bottom of the pipe into the stone wall, causing it to crack.

The noise echoed through the hall, catching their attention.

"Did you hear that?" One of them whispered.

I could tell by the sound of his heartbeat that he was a little intimidated.

"Go check it out." The other ordered.

He was spooked more so than the other guard. How pathetic.

The sound of footsteps began to bounce off the stones, telling me exactly where he was.

I slid into a large crack in the wall as he began to round the corner. I smiled to myself and tightened my hold on the metal pipe. As soon as I saw his shadow get close enough, I made my move.

I bashed the pipe into his head, causing him to fall against the wall before I spun around and plunged the metal into his heart without hesitation. I let out a hot breath and flung my hair behind my shoulder.

"One down, one to go," I whispered to myself.

I crept back into the shadows, leaving the body to be found.

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