Chapter One: Enough

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(Ember's PoV)
I thrashed around as Jason held the cigarette to my arm. The ash and flame lapped at my skin but I wasn't about to cry or scream in pain. He pulled away from me and threw me to the floor.

"You're worthless! None of you're relatives wanted you and you're parents probably drove into that construction sight deliberately! I don't blame them. Who could ever love a pathetic girl like you!" He sneered. At the mention of my parents I snapped.

I stumbled to my feet and threw my fist back, nailing him in the face. He roared as blood spurted from his nose. "Don't ever talk smack about my parents again!" I yell. I rain punches down on him until I feel arms wrap around my waist and pull me away.

"Mum! Get the belt! Bitch just beat dad up!" Jon screamed. I thrashed and kicked but it was useless. Jon pinned me down and wrenched my top up exposing my already scarred back.

"You bitch! We took you under our care  and this is how you react?! Well, I guess we'll just have to beat the defiance out of you!" Carla screeches and I brace myself as the belt buckle comes into contact with my skin and reopens old wounds...
I groaned and stood cautiously, my back was throbbing and I had bruises everywhere. I didn't bother with first aid and sped all the way to my room.

I pulled out a duffle bag and hastily packed the meagre things I owned. My phone, earphones, clothes, toiletries and my money. I had £750. That should be enough to at least get petrol, food and some new clothes and shoes.

Jon had left with Carla and Jason so I could get out easily enough. I kicked the door open as the lock busted and headed out. Yes, they put deadbolts inside their house. I looked around the street and spotted a car. It was silver but looked old. I headed over and realised it was an Audi.

Good enough. I took off my hoodie, wrapping it around my hand I smashed the glass window and sighed in relief when the no alarm went off. I unlocked the car and climbed in. It was midnight so nobody was out.

Good. I climbed in and ignited the engine, the car roared to life and I pressed on the gas and sped down the road and away from the town I once called home...
I counted my money as I headed back to my car. I had £200 left. I was on a dirt road and out of town. I checked the sat nav. I wasn't to far from Redwood. It was a small town but I figured I could start over fresh and there was a forest so I could explore.

I climbed back into the car and started the engine. I suddenly heard a loud bang. I checked the wheels and found I had a flat. "Shit!" I hissed and kicked the car. "Em, you're in the middle of nowhere with half a mile to go before you reach civilisation and now you get a flat?! Great!" I cursed the moon profusely before deciding to walk.

Hauling my bag over my shoulder, I stuffed my money in my pocket and started the walk. This would probably take awhile...

I reached the outskirts of Redwood and sighed in relief. "Thank the moon!" I breathed, I heard a low growl and whirled. Two wolves were snarling at me and I had no clue what to do. "Get back!" I yelled and threw a rock at one. It howled and pounced, pinning me to the floor.

I cried out as they simultaneously ripped into my flesh. Biting and scratching, I felt myself slipping and saw a figure in the darkness, he smiled evilly and I watched as he drew nearer. "Good work boys, she'll be a good one for him, hopefully better than the last." he said and fished in my pockets. I was paralysed.

He pocketed my money and I watched as he crushed my phone. Blackness swan in my vision and I whimpered as he reached for me. "Get him!" A voice yelled. The guys head snapped around and he cursed.

"I'll be back for you!" He hissed before he darted off with the wolves. I felt darkness pull me under as I lay in the dirt. Tired, bleeding and bruised.

Maybe, I should just die... I thought. My eyes dropped and I felt myself slipping. "Lyla! Help me get her up! The venoms already started working! We need to get her to safety, c'mon!" A masculine voice yelled. I felt myself being lifted but couldn't move as the darkness finally pulled me under...
Darkness surrounded me, I could hear faint voices furiously whispering but was to weak to differentiate between them all. "She's human! We have to tell her!"

"She won't be for long! The venom is moving to fast, bastard probably planned to attack a passerby."

"What do we do?!"

"Tell her. The next full moon is two weeks away, she may not believe us but she'll die if we don't do something!" I cracked my eyes open but flinched when bright light assaulted me. "She's awake!" Arms lifted me up and sat me in a upright position and I opened my eyes.

I found myself staring into a pair of deep blue eyes. He was analysing my face and I was to scared to move. "Who the hell are you people?" I say, wary and cautious.

The guy makes surrendering motion and backs away slightly. "I'm Cole. This is lyla, my sister, then there's Dom, Tyler, Serena and now you" he states and I look around to see that the guys called Dom and Tyler are identical but Dom has freckles and lighter brown hair.

Cole's hair is a chocolate brown and so is lyla's and Serena's. "What do you mean 'and you?' I question.

"There's something you need to know, we're werewolves and this is my family" Cole says seriously and I stare with wide eyes at them.

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