"But you are. So that shouldn't even matter."

I jerked my eyes open, "Are you guys done!?" I shouted; loud enough for them to hear.

Rohan got into the driver seat next to me. "Sorry." He winked, leaning in and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. "You know I love you right? I was just helping out an idiot."

"Yeah," I said, taking his hand in mine. "You told me that like three times this morning."

He laughed, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well I'm just trying to keep my future wife happy."

I smiled, leaning in and placing a kiss on his lips. "You're not trying. You're succeeding. And I love you."

His eyes warmed as he tucked a piece of hair of mine behind my ear, "Where's Ayan?" I asked.

"He's just making sure we have all the beverages we need for the drive." Rohan explained, rolling his eyes. "Anyways, you excited to see everyone today?"

"Yes!" I shook my head, nodding. "Jeet, Tanya, Sudo, Tina--"

"Abhi and Shanyana." Rohan added.

"Their all gonna be there. I'm so happy." I exclaimed. His eyes found mine and he smirked, "Yeah, me too."

Today was a big day. We all took some time off and decided to go for a vacation. Everyone would be there in Brighton by tonight. It makes me feel loved how everyone is putting in effort to sustain a good friendship as they're all coming.

I'm glad Abhi and Rohan sorted things out. It was a little misunderstanding and I couldn't even see them fighting, since their literally like brothers.

London to Brighton isn't a long way. Just a two hour drive. After alot of convincing, Rohan managed Ayan to get on-board aswell. Ayan's lame excuse of - 'I don't think I'll fit.' - was just a way of avoiding everyone and gettting his work done. But he's our friend and he should be included.

"So what do you say sweetheart?" Rohan questioned. I pulled out of my thoughts and curiously looked at him, "Huh?"

"Wanna listen to some Rohan Nanda music?"

I laughed, nodding. "Sure."
I guess I'm used to Rohan's obbesion with himself. His arrogance and cockiness never seem to fade away.

"I'd rather listen to babies crying out loud," Ayan retorted, entering the car, plopping himself on the backseat.

"Hey shutup you asshole!" Rohan's loud voice made me laugh at him.

"I'm not going to shut up! This is all your fault. I didn't even wanted to go!" Ayan whined, glaring at Rohan.

"Well too bad!" I told him in my snappy voice.

Rohan started the engine of the car and drove off, "It's not like their strangers. You met all of them at Jeet's wedding and you know Tina aswell." He spoke to Ayan.

"Jeet's wedding? That was like 60,000 thousand years ago..." Ayan exaggerated. "Plus I'll rather be at Skullkin making money and racing cars."

"Yeah that place is mad. I'd rather be there too." Rohan said.

I glared at Rohan, hitting him in the arm.
"Last time both of you almost died there!" I said, snapping at them.

It's true. Skullkin is an illegal racing area with loads of crazy bad boys in leather jackets and girls looking like hookers around. Ayan is a pro racer and is always there when he has time off. The day he took Rohan was the day he was racing. Rohan was with him on the passenger seat and in the middle of the race the Police showed up, raiding the area and pressing chargers.
Luckly both of them were in the car so they had a advantage of running off but I'm still suprised they didn't get arrested.

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