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 "So, how are we going to go about doing this?" Peter asks once we're all sat around a large, oval table in the debriefing/mission room. It's just me and the "Web Warriors", a name that I still can't say without snickering. Fury decided that they were more than capable to do this on their own, and it would be good practice for me.

"I have an idea, but it might be a little risky," I suggest, and everyone looks at me expectantly.

"Okay, well, you know how tonight Taskmaster is expecting me to meet him on the roof of the building where he first gave me this stupid task? I think I should," I say, and all at once everyone starts talking.

"Wait, just hear me out!" I cry, and silence falls over the room. "Obviously I wouldn't tell him anything, he wouldn't even get close to me. You guys could use the element of surprise and take him out."

"How do you know he wouldn't expect us to do something like that?" Ava asks and the others nod along in agreement.

"Yeah, this could be some sort of super-elaborate trap. If there's one thing Taskmaster is good at besides copying people it's manipulating them," Luke, adds, and I shake my head.

"I'm a criminal, remember? That's why he singled me out in the first place. I doubt he'd expect me to go to an organization whose sole purpose is catching people like me for help. Plus, if I didn't know you guys, Fury would've locked me up without a second thought and I wouldn't have been able to meet him at all," I insist, and even though I can tell they like the idea they can't deny that it would work. When else could we possibly know where Taskmaster is and have the element of surprise.

"Alright, I'm sold. Ari goes in and talks to him, gives us some signal, and we kick his butt. Sounds pretty sound," Sam decides, leaning back in his chair.

"It sounds dangerous, but if Ari's willing to do it it should work," Ava agrees. Everyone else nods, and Peter grins.

"Alright, we have a plan. What time are you supposed to meet him?" Pete asks.

"Three in the morning," I reply, and everyone groans.

"Seriously? Dude, it's a school night. Supervillains suck," Sam complains and we all nod in agreement.

"Yeah, but this is important. Taskmaster is dangerous and catching him will benefit everyone - especially if he's trying to find out who we are," Peter replies. "Ari, you should go talk to Doc Connors. He has all sorts of cool gadgets, and he can give you something to help catch Taskmaster," he adds, and I nod.

We talk a bit more, finalizing our plans, and finally go our separate ways. I walk back through the labyrinth of hallways, only getting lost a couple times. Eventually, I find my way to the steel double doors and punch a smiley face into the keypad.

The doors glide open and I walk through, immediately greeted by Doc Connors. "Oh, Ari, good. Just who I wanted to see. I have some pretty awesome things I want to show you," he says, waving me over to the table he's standing at.

"So, Nick mentioned to me that he was planning on sending you out in the field with the kids today, and that got me thinking how you don't have a suit or gear," Connors begins, pulling out something from under the table.

"So, I looked through some of the older gadgets we made and found a couple things I thought you could use," he continues, holding up what looks like some kind of gun.

"This is a grappling hook. We made it a while ago for the web warriors, but since all of them have an uncanny ability to jump across buildings no one ever used it. It's all yours if you want it," he offers, and a giant grin spreads across my face as I take the grappling hook.

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