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       "How did you find me?"

          "I told you, Ari. I'll always find you. Now, what do you say?" My fingers tighten around my phone, my knuckles turning white. I grit my teeth and set my jaw.

          "Alright," I finally decide, hanging up my phone and sitting down on my bed.

           It's been years since I've talked to Matt, and even longer since I've had any sort of relationship with him. I'm starting to get desperate though, and it's clear he could tell.

           A couple minutes later I stand up with a sigh and pull out a box from under m bed. I blow a coat of dust off the top of it before opening it and pulling out some of my old stuff. Even though I haven't touched any of it in years I'm positive I remember how to use it.

             First I pull out a Bluetooth earpiece and stick it in my ear, turning it on. Then I empty the box of a couple more USB drives and stuff like that.

              I open my laptop and almost immediately get a call from Matthew Grey, and accept it. His cold, grating voice fills my ears.

          "Alright, I have a simple job planned out. 50/50 cut of course. We're looking at a bank on the corner of 5th and main. Got it?"

          My fingers fly across the keys, and in a second I have their website pulled up. "Yep," I mutter, grabbing a dark purple USB drive. I've done this enough times to know the drill by now.

          "Alright, I'm going to need you to override the security cameras first, then the alarms. And scan for any sort of tracking devices or motion sensors. I don't want to get caught," He barks, and my heart skips a beat. Even though I've known him for years, he never ceases to frighten me.

          I quickly hack into the security cameras and disable the bank's view of them. Now I can see them but they can't. I cut the alarms too, but before I do I run a quick scan and find a couple of laser grids and some weight plates in the floor.

          "The cameras are down, but I'm going to need a couple minutes to take down everything else."

          "Just hurry up," He snaps. Matt is far from a patient person, and even farther from a good one.

          I put a white USB drive into my computer and quickly upload a program I wrote, using it to deactivate the rest of the security.

          "Okay, you're clear." I watch through the cameras as he walks through the bank and casually slips into the back. One thing I've never quite understood, through all the jobs I've done with him, is how no one ever sees him until it's too late.

          Matt keeps walking, knocking out a guard who sees him on the way. "You're supposed to be watching idiot," His voice crackles over the headset, making me jump slightly.

          "I didn't see him," I squeak.

          "Well start looking."

          The rest of the job goes to plan though, and he slips out of the bank with as much money as he could carry.

          "Okay, princess. Meet me over at Hyde Park at midnight tonight and I'll give you your cut. It was a pleasure working with you." His voice is cruel and snarky, and I can tell he has a giant smirk plastered across his face. The static of the headset cuts out, meaning that he turned his off, so I take mine out too.

         I glance over at the clock next to my bed and realize with a groan that I'll have to wait almost three hours before I can meet him and get it over with.

         The usual mess of guilt and fear starts to gnaw at me as I pull out my unfinished homework and begin to work on it. I know stealing is wrong and all that, and I know that if Matt gets caught he'll drag me down with him and my life will be over, but sometimes it seems like the only plausible option.

          My mom and I can barely afford to live in our house so there's no doubt in my mind that I won't be able to go to college. Any opportunity I once had to have a nice life left me when my dad did.

          A few years ago I was really desperate for some money because we couldn't even afford to have heat on in our house and mom and I were slowly freezing to death. So, when I caught Matthew doing something illegal and he offered me a job in exchange for my silence, I agreed. Part of me wishes that I didn't, but another part of me is glad. I'm slowly getting my opportunities back, even if I'm not doing it in the most... legal way.

          I mindlessly fill out my math homework until my phone dings beside me. As soon as the sharp sound fills my ears I almost roll straight off of my bed, but I quickly regain my composure and pick it up.

         Interacting with Matthew at all has always set me on edge. I mentioned before that he's not a good person, but he's also a crafty person which makes him about ten times more terrifying. When I agreed to work with him I knew I'd be up to no good, but I didn't quite understand what I'd be getting myself into.

          I've tried to cut ties with him time and time again, but he always finds me. It's always when I'm desperate too, which doesn't make it easy to say no.

          I scan over the text Peter sent me and smile slightly. Ever since he got a phone with emojis he won't stop using them - and he got his phone at least three years ago. I send him a quick text back, telling him that I'll definitely be at Harry's for a movie night with everyone, and turn off my phone.

         Before I know it it's a quarter till midnight. I quickly slip on some shoes and put on a warm sweater before beginning my walk over to the park. My skin stings from the freezing wind whipping around, but I just stuff my hands in my pockets and try to walk with my back to it.

          Maybe I'll buy an actual winter coat and some gloves with my new money. Ooh, maybe a scarf too. That would be nice.

         I turn a corner and walk into the park, looking around for anyone suspicious looking. Eventually, my eyes land on a tall figure dressed in all black.

         I walk towards him and his sharp blue eyes piece my bluish-green ones. A wave of fear rushes over me but I push it away and walk closer.

          "You know, I didn't think you'd actually show up." He's over a foot taller than me now, and his jawline seems sharper than it was the last time I saw him. His hair seems a bit browner, like the color of a chocolate lab puppy he's probably kicked, and in all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if he dyed it. His face still has the same cruel expression on it as always though, as if his lips are permanently pulled into a scowl, even when he's smiling.

         "Long time no see, Grey. I wish it could stay that way." I meet his glare with one that I hope is equally terrifying.

         "I don't think so, Green. You see, I rather enjoy your company." His lips curve upward, and even though I know he's smiling it still sends a chill up my spine.

           "Just give me what I'm here for and leave me alone," I snap. His smile drops but he does what I say and hands me a small bag, which I happily take.

          "Ten thousand dollars - spend it wisely. I'll see you around, Green." With that he's gone, disappearing into the shadows. I can hear his footsteps fading away, but I can't seem to spot him.

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