Chapter 13: Destination Unknown

Start from the beginning

This had to be bad—worse than Tweaker made it seem.

I was beginning to realize that I very well could be losing my best friend tonight.

"We put Rain to bed," Joanie announced, as she plopped down in the empty seat next to Tawny, while I took the seat next to her.

Tawny's eyes flickered as if Joanie's voice had awoken her from her thoughts, and she peered over at us almost proudly.

"Good," she complimented. "She needs to rest," she said, before downing the full glass of what looked like some kind of whiskey. Her voice was weak—nothing like the stern woman who I met earlier tonight, but I guess hearing your adoptive daughter was pregnant, kidnapped and being held as leverage did that to you.

"Easy mom," the younger girl across from her warned.

She too had lost the glint in her eye and amused smile she had while she was making jokes about me and Tweaker.

"Don't tell me what to do, Carter," Tawny chided. "I'm the mom!" she yelled, hitting her glass down so hard on the table that I jumped. Some of the remaining amber liquid soaked the table, but no one made a move to clean it.

Carter held up her hands and looked on the verge of tears.

"Hey," Joanie interjected. "Why don't we all try and get some rest?" she suggested. "It'll probably be a while before we hear anything and we might need to help them when they get back."

Tawny nodded in agreement, using the table as leverage as she got to her feet. "Probably best," she mumbled.

"Want me to come with you?" Carter asked her mom while she began stumbling her way back to the bedrooms.

Tawny shook her head. "I'm going to bed. Call me if you hear anything."

Joanie and I both nodded, while Carter looked completely defeated.

Once Tawny had rounded the corner of the hallway and was out of earshot, Joanie placed a reassuring hand on Carter's and squeezed it gently.

"It's not you. She's just upset and scared right now," Joanie assured.

Carter nodded and sucked back her tears. "I know, but I'm scared too and I need my mom. My dad hasn't told me shit and she's been too busy trying to deal with everyone else. I'm fucking terrified Joanie. What if Rigs hurt her?" she asked. "Ronnie is like a big sister to me. I can't lose her."

At the thought, my stomach twisted. The absolute last thing I wanted to think about was my best friend being in pain, but it was an unfortunate reality right now, and no one knew the state she'd be in when and if they found her.

"She's tough," I interjected, making both women face me. "She's been through rough shit before and found her way out of it. I have to believe that this is no different. Until we hear back from the guys, we have to assume that Ronnie is okay. If she's not, we worry about that later, but right now, all we can do is wait and pray for the fucking best."

I had no idea where that assuring speech came from because I sure as fuck did not feel as confident in my words as I made it seem. I just couldn't stand to see this girl—probably no older than sixteen looking so devastated and terrified about what was going on tonight. No kid should ever have to hear about this shit and it was fucked up that she was exposed to all of this, but I guess as a Tribe kid, she really had no choice.

Carter nodded and looked the slightest bit calmer. Joanie, on the other hand, lit up with a smile.

"I get it now," she mused.

My eyebrows narrowed. "Get what?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Why Tweaker is gonna make you his old lady."

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