Chapter 13: Destination Unknown

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Hello everyone, 

Sorry for the late update, I have had a hell of a week. I was supposed to be on vacation from Friday to Monday, but my flight got canceled and my girls trip ended up taking a turn. Needless to say, it turned into a long adventure to get to our final destination and we were forced to extend our trip by an extra day. I was due home early yesterday, and after THREE flight delays, I didn't get home until after midnight. 

Anyways, enough with my excuses here is chapter 13. 

I hope you all enjoy.



The short time Tweaker and the rest of the guys were gone felt like days. Being in the clubhouse without a familiar face next to me was more than I could take right now. My best friend was missing, pregnant, and held captive by an absolute fucking maniac. Not to mention, I had been forced to expose my nephew to all this shit, with little explanation as to what we were doing here. I myself had no clue why Tweaker had insisted so firmly that Jamie and I go with him to lockdown. It seemed a little overprotective to me, especially since we hardly set foot in public together, but I wasn't about to risk my life, or the life of my nephew just to avoid the awkwardness of my given situation.

Loraine was a mess and drank herself to sleep almost immediately after the guys had all left. She had been going through a really rough time after hearing all of this—probably because it brought back so many bad memories from when she got shot and almost died. Ace had tried to be there for her, but once he left with the other guys, I only spoke to her for a few minutes before she downed half a bottle of Tito's and then passed out on the bar a little while later. The woman named Joanie who had been teasing me about Tweaker earlier helped me carry Loraine to an empty bed and insisted I go back and sit with the rest of the women once we'd tucked her in.

I wanted so desperately to decline, but I really had no other place to go. Jamie was sleeping in the room that Tawny had set us up in and there was no way I could stay in there without waking him up. I already felt like I was going crazy being locked into the clubhouse, and this place was fucking massive, I could only imagine the state I'd be in if I tried to lock myself in that tiny dorm room because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until I heard that Ronnie was okay. And so, when Joanie led me back to the table, I just couldn't say no.

The seats had emptied since the last time I'd been sitting here, and only Tawny and her daughter were left. After hearing the news about Ronnie, everyone's moods shifted, and rightfully so. Nora had disappeared after hearing Knox's revelation, the older woman who was at Tawny's side had retired to bed, and the crowd of Hellcats had thinned out too.

I still couldn't believe that Ronnie was pregnant, and of all else, that she didn't tell me about it.

Admittedly, I had been pretty caught up in my own world lately. Between work, Jamie, and Tweaker, I was beginning to wear myself a little thin. But even still, I saw and spoke to Ronnie quite frequently and she never even mentioned that she thought she might be pregnant at all.

I couldn't help but wonder if any of the Old Ladies knew about this. Ronnie was close with most of them, and given that they were all women in relationships with Tribe men, they had to be better equipt to give her advice than I could ever be. But then again, they all seemed too shocked that Ronnie and Knox even spoke to each other outside of Black's and the clubhouse to make that a possibility—espeically Tawny.

She was still sitting in the same spot as earlier tonight, nursing a full drink that looked like it had been sitting for a while. Unlike earlier, her expression had shifted and her face had grown grim. She was worried. She just sat there, staring up into space as if she was contemplating everything that could go wrong. It made me uneasy to see the notorious Tawny McPherson; the matriarch and queen of the Hell's Tribe MC looking so distraught.

Along for the Ride (Hell's Tribe MC Series) [BOOK 2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن