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423 13 19

"Anytime now." Taylor mumbles as she walks down the stairs. The 30 year-old singer was in their new London home, cautiously waiting for her due date (which was April 22nd). She had just taken a shower and was waiting for her husband to get home from work. He was in New York for the past week since he had a client there. As she reaches for the remote, she remembers what day it was.

After the recent events in the world, she decided to stay off social media. Especially since they were constantly dragging her for the smallest reasons. Though, she didn't forget to get on Social Media every once in a while.

Today, she was going to announce her pregnancy. She won't say it herself, but the picture speaks for itself. She happily opens her instagram, placing the caption with four heart emojis to signify that she was due in April. She clicked post and continued on with her evening.

"Hey." He mumbles, taking off his coat. She smiles as he kisses her head. "I missed you." She says, getting up and wrapping her arms around him. "I missed you too. Oh! Wait here." Before getting his coat, he boops her nose. "I know you're hella scared of telling the world about our little secret, so here a small gift to cheer you up a little." She gasps in joy opening the gift. It wasn't baby related though; it was something that she and Joe had been talking about over the years.

"Joe! Oh my god, you didn't." He smirks, getting a small cage by the door. It was a puppy. "I've been seeing him for a few months now. He's potty trained and apparently good with babies." She smiles in awe of the puppy. Carefully kneeling down to open the cage with open arms.

"What's his name?" She searches for his collar and eventually landing on it with his name. "Wilfred. Hey there boy!" She giggles as he licks her face. She grabs the small toy in his cage and throws it across the room.

As she stands up, she feels a sharp pain from her abdomen. She brushes it off and continues playing with Wilfred. The pain didn't stop, but she could bare it (as she thought). Joe seems to notice the look on her face. "Babe, you okay?" He confronts, she nodded as another sharp pain hits her.

This time, it was 10x more painful than the previous ones. She groans, falling to the ground in pain. Joe runs to her and carefully brings her to the couch. "I-I think it's time." He nods, grabbing the hospital bag by the couch. He then carries his heavily pregnant wife, bringing her to the car.

"Wait-wait, what about Will and the kitties?" She mumbles, eyes closed as the pain continues. "I'll call Mom. She can pet-sit. Or whatever you call it." She manages to laugh a little.

As he buckles her up in the car, he sees the car seat at the back. His eyes lit up in excitment. "We're really doing this huh?" Taylor rolls her eyes. "No I am. Now drive!" She giggles as he quickly runs to his seat and start the car.

At the Red light, the couple hears water dripping in the car. They look at each other, confused before realizing what it was. "I-I think that was my water... " She manages to say, before squinting in pain.


"One last push, Taylor! You can do this." The doctor dictates. "I-I can't. It's too painful. I can't." She says in a shaky voice, looking at Joe. "Babe, you can do this." She nods as Joe kisses her hand to motivate her. Biting her lip, she gives her all and pushes.

On the 16th of April, After hours of labor, hours of pain, it was as if the world stopped as the cries of a little baby girl filed the room. There could be paparazzi outside the room, or fans, or whatever, but it was the least of their concern. Both of were in awe as soon as they heard a baby girl crying. Once they placed the tiny baby on her chest, she cried more. She couldn't believe it. "We did it. She's here." She nods, tears falling down her face. "Baby El's here." He mumbles, both of them looking at their precious baby.

As the doctors clean up Baby El, Joe follows. He looks at her the way he looked at Taylor when they first met. He was starstruck, you know? "Hey baby." He smiles, holding out his finger on her hand. She wraps around his finger and Joe completely lost it. He cried even more. "I love you so much. Your Mommy and I will do our best to give you the world."

As the nurse passes by to finish up, he asks if he can carry her. The nurse happily nods and guides him in carrying Baby El. Carefully, he goes to Taylor and hands her Baby El. "She's got your eyes. They look the same way yours looked when you asked me to marry you."

November 29, 2017
"Come." He whispers with a grin. Taylor nods, holding his hand they enter the room. "This is amazing. You go all out on our date nights. It's unnecessary but, thank you." He nods, sitting down on his chair.

For a while, they eat, talk, and do whatever couples do when alone. "Weddings? Weddings are awesome." She enthusiastically says, with a big smile on their faces. "I'd love to experience one. One day, I don't know." She shyly smiles at him.

He then stands up, holding her hand. "Taylor, It'll happen. I know it." With a confused face, she stands up making eye contact with his ocean blue eyes. Looking at them the same way she's always have. So in love, drowning in his love, drowning in him. In a good way.

"I hope so." She chuckles, still confused. "Well then, Taylor Alison Swift... " He kneels down, holding her hand with one hand and grabbing a ring with his other. "We've spent the last year together. I've learned so much about you that I wouldn't be able to fit into this speech thingy. But all I know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I would listen to your stories about Mer. I would watch your favorite shows all over again. I would do pretty much anything just so I could be with you. I know how much the last year of your life has been. And I want you to know that I'm never leaving you, Taylor. So.. " He opens up the box, revealing a ring that Taylor's been eyeing for a while. "Will you marry me?" With tears in her eyes, she takes a deep breath. Looking into his eyes, she says, "No, no. You don't need to save me. But, would you run away with me?" He nods, slipping the ring onto her finger. "I think that's a yes. I love you." They both laugh before kissing each others lips.

Present Time, April 16 2020
He smiles, "You think so?" He then gently boops the little girl's nose. "She's so beautiful, Joe. I can't believe this." She says teary eyed. "I love you." she whispered, looking at his eyes. He smiles, going closer to her and kissing her forehead.

"Sooo.. Elise Amorette," He smiles, "What do you think of your name?" He didn't get a smile back from her though, instead she started fussing. "It's okay. He's a good guy, I think." He rolled his eyes at her. "Oh my god. She's got dimples!" She says ecstatically as Elise smiles (it's a reflex since she's a baby). "This couldn't get any cuter, oh my god." She mumbles, bringing her closer to her lips and gently kissing its forehead.

"Elise Amorette Alwyn... "

a/n: sorry for not updating😭
while you're here, sign petition for the BLM Movement:
its also in my bio. we need change NOW.  if you go against the whole BLM Movement, please UNFOLLOW me and don't you dare comment your racist opinions on here either. we don't need people like you in the world.

that's it :) have a good day

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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