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I gaze of into the blue and black of hyperspace. All of a sudden, we drop out of hyperspace.

"What happened?" I ask.

"I don't know, a hyperdrive malfunction I think," the bridge technician says. He starts messing around with some controls.

"We must have hit something with the rail guns during the battle," he says, "The hyperdrive is temporarily offline."

"What about sensors and communications?" I ask him.

"Online," he replies.

"Good, keep me updated about any movements in our area," I say, "Meanwhile, open a channel to Atlantis."

"Yes sir," he says as he messes around with some more controls. Colonel Carter appears on screen.

"Colonel Phillips, what's wrong," she asks, "why aren't you at the rendezvous point?"

"Our hyperdrive gave out on us halfway there, we are working on getting it operational again." I reply.

"Do you need help?" She asks.

"Yes, we could use some more technicians to help us," I say.

"Understood, I'll have the Apollo bring some help," she says. I look out into space.

"Sir," Steve says as I walk to him, "A wraith cruiser is on its way here."

"How long?" I ask.

"Three hours," he replies, "That is if it continues its current course."

"Keep me posted," I say, "I'll be in my quarters." I walk out of the bridge and down the hall to the captain's quarters. I open the door and look at the empty room, thinking: I forgot those Replicators didn't sleep.

      "Colonel Phillips to the bridge." I hear over the ship intercom. I turn around and walk back to the bridge.

"Sir, the Apollo has dropped out of hyperspace," Steve says.

"Good, open a channel," I say. Colonel Ellis appears on screen.

"Colonel, I hear you need help," he says.

"Yes, our hyperdrive isn't working properly," I tell him.

"I'll send you a team to help," he says, "Meanwhile, we will stay here in case any wraith come." A team of scientists are beamed aboard the same way we did.

"Welcome aboard Dr. Zalenka," I say.

"Thank you," he says.

"Colonel Ellis, there's a wraith cruiser on its way," I say as I turn back to the screen.

"When will it get here?" He asks.

"In about an hour," I reply.

"We'll be ready," he says as the screen goes off.

          One Hour Later
   "One minute out," Steve says.

"Apollo, the cruiser is almost here," I say. All of a sudden, a hyperspace window opens and a wraith cruiser comes out. The Apollo starts firing rail guns and beam weapons.

"Fire drones," I say. A swarm of yellow lights start heading towards the cruiser. The cruiser blows up. The Apollo stops firing.

"Target neutralized," Steve says.

"Good," I say, "Have Dr. Zalenka and his team got the hyperdrive online?"

"Almost," He replies. I look out into space, watching the debris from the cruiser continue to blow up. I turn around and see Dr. Zalenka walking in.

"Doctor, what's the status on the hyperdrive?" I ask him.

"Almost done, just have to run a few tests," he replies. He walks over to a computer and starts a simulation. The screen then reads: SIMULATION COMPLETE.

"Does that mean we're ready to go?" I ask.

"Yes it does," he replies.

"Good work, head to the barracks and get some rest," I say. He nods and walks away. I sit down and put my hand on the controls.

"Lets try this again," I say, "Engaging Inertial dampeners and sublight thrusters." I move my index finger forward and the ship starts moving.

"Engaging Hyperdrive," I say as a hyperspace window opens and we accelerate through it, transitioning into a tunnel of blue and black. I turn around and walk to my quarters, again forgetting that Replicators are robots and they don't sleep. I walk around the ship aimlessly just... exploring in a sense. I walk back to the bridge. We drop out of hyperspace above Lantea. I see the other Aurora Warships. Colonel Carter appeared on screen.

"Welcome home Colonel Phillips," she says.

"Thank you," I say, "Permission to beam down?"

"Granted," she says as the screen goes off.

"Get me Colonel Ellis," I say. He appears on screen.

"Colonel, can you beam me into the control room?" I ask him.

"Yes, I can," He replies. Next thing I know, I'm standing in the control room on Atlantis.

"A suggestion for the ships," I say as Colonel Carter walks in, "Replicators didn't sleep so next time you dial Earth you should request mattresses."

"I will take that into consideration," She says, "In the meantime, get some rest."

"Thank you," I say. I walk down the stairs and then to the left and to the barracks.

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