Chapter One- Watched

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I'm making up last names so yeah. Except for Palettes of course lol
6 years later
Goth Reapscane always felt as if he was being watched. The cold somehow seemed to follow where he was going, and it never went away. Sometimes Goth wakes up in the middle of the night knowing someone is watching him. 16 year old Goth didn't want to bother his mother/father Geno, so he usually stayed awake all night, just barely making out a figure in the darkness of his room. Goth was currently getting ready for school, when he felt he was being watched yet again.
Goth had gotten used to it over the years, but the feeling was even stronger now. It felt as if someone we in the room with him, standing inches behind. Goth could hear the slow breaths. He quickly turned around to see-nothing. But he swore he saw a cloaked figure disappear in the corner of his eye.
Goths soul quickened, and his knees felt weak. Who could be following him around like this? He sighed and continued to get ready. With his bag around his arm he floated downstairs, a power he found out he had long ago. His mother Geno, was sleeping on the couch again, with the same empty wine bottle becoming glued to his hand.
Goth knew what this day was, the day his father left them. For what, he never really understood. He just left without a trace, leaving Geno heartbroken and an equally heartbroken child. After all, Reaper had promised to play when he got back from work. Goth sighed and put the abandoned blanket that was on the floor over his mom, who curled up in it groaning in his sleep.
Goth put on his hood and went outside, gritting his teeth at the cold. Sure he was a skeleton, but magic allowed them to feel cold as well, which is why they wore clothes. The walk to his school was short, and he waved to his best friend once inside.
"Oh goodness Gothy," Palette Roller, his best friend said in shock. "You're pretty much a popsicle!"
"Make that a skelecycle," Goth said winking though while shivering.
"Goth this is no time for puns," Palette said, though he couldn't hide his smile. "Why were you out in the cold anyways? Couldn't your mom drive ya?"
Goth always steered clear from talk about his family, after all there wasn't really much to talk about...
"M-my mom had a stomach bug, you know the one PaperJam g-got last week," Goth said, doing hos best fake smile. Palette seemed to buy it.
"Oh, well I hope he feels better!" He said before the bell rang. "Gotta go bud, see ya later!"
And with that he dashed away, leaving Goth with a dreamy smile on his face. The school day couldn't get any slower, with Goth straining to keep his eyes open on the most boring classes, getting in trouble a time or two for it.
"Goth, this is the fifth time this week, do I have to call your parents?" The teacher scolded, making Goth jump awake.
"N-no ma'am I'm awake!" Goth exclaimed sitting up straight.
The teacher who was Orginal Toriel's gaze softened, and she sighed going over to Goths desk. He was now falling asleep again, his cute little snores could be heard from everyone.
"Goth sweet heart, maybe you should go home and get some rest, don't you worry about your homework, I'll take care of it," Goth eyes widened when Ms. Toriel said that, but felt surprisingly relieved.
"A-are you sure it's alright Ms. Toriel?" Goth stuttered, feeling baffled. "What about-"
"Like I said, I'll take care of it," Toriel said, flashing Goth a small grin. "You go run to your mother now dear child,"
"Y-yes ma'am,"
So Goth got all of his stuff together and waited for his mother to pick him up. Most likely he was just now getting up and making coffee, heaven knows he needs it. He waited a little longer, before sleep came to him once again.
Geno woke up with a sharp pain in his soul, he took an intake of breath and waited for the pain to numb. He held onto his stomach which was coated with the never-ending amount of blood, getting on his hands. Geno slowly pulled himself up, letting the blanket and the disposed bottle fall onto the ground. He looked at them with an unreadable expression. Getting up and going into the kitchen, Geno slowly made himself coffee.
"S'not that it'll do any good," Geno spoke to no one in particular.
He rubbed his nonexistent eyes and went to sit on the couch. This was pretty much the routine for him, everyday. He hadn't had the energy to do pretty much anything really, not since...Geno let out a shakey breath and shook his head, closing his eyes tight. He wouldn't think about him.
Just then, a shrill ring jumped Geno right out of his skin, well if he had any. Gene got up and went to answer the phone.
"Hello, is this Geno Reapscane I'm talking to?" A feminine voice spoke on the other line.
"T-this is he, yes," Geno spoke, his voice sounded horribly croaky, he should begin to speak more. "Who is this I may ask?"
"Oh, this is the new secretary at Underhigh," the voice spoke and Geno immediately knew Goth was the reason for her calling.
"What did Goth do now?" Geno said, with a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Oh he's not in trouble, he just seems...well tired," The voice hesitated for a minute, before continuing. "If you don't mind, we would like it of Goth stayed home and got the rest he needs,"
There was a hint of anger in her voice, but Geno didn't push it.
"Alright, I'm on my way now," Geno said sassily, and before the secretary could say anything he slammed the phone down and stalked away to get his coat.
It was very chilly today, a little bit of snow falling as well. Geno was concerned why Goth didn't wake him, and why he walked in this cold. He sighed and got into his car, too weak to teleport anywhere. Once he got there, his heart melted at the sight of his little Goth curled up in the chair. For 16 years old, he seemed to have stayed tiny, which is a blessing and a curse.
Geno picked up his son who unconsciously wrapped his arms around his mom. Geno then went into the office and signed him out, getting ready to leave. Just then another young skeleton peered out and headed towards Geno. He smiled as the young boy stopped in front of his, staring at his best friend with worry.
"Is Gothy gonna be okay?" He asked, worry written all over his face. Geno chuckled a little and ruffled the skeletons hat with his free hand.
"Yes, Palette he's just got a cold," Geno said to calm him. "He'll be better in no time. Besides, shouldn't you be in class?"
Palette blushed and hid his face in his scarf.
"Sorry, I was just worried about Goth..."
"Don't sweat it kid, now get to class before you get into trouble,"
"Yessir," Palette said with a big grin on his face. "I'll come by to bring his homework over after school,"
"See ya later kiddo," Geno called to the running skeleton.
"Bye Mr. Geno!"
When they got home, Goth was still asleep, and Geno put him up in his room. When he went inside, he gasped and his eyes went wide, he held onto Goth tighter and took a step back. A figure in black he knew all too well was roaming around, staring at the pictures on the wall, smiling. If you looked closer, you could see the tear stricken cheeks(?) and the deeper sunken eyes. The figure turned and froze at the sight of Geno and the sleeping child.
Geno was pretty much like a statue, his gaze never leaving the cloaked figures. The being in black took a step forward, but just then Geno got out of his frozen state, and ran into his room. He layed his son gently down on the big bed, and stood facing the door in a fighting stance. Out of no where the cloaked figure appeared behind Geno, and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist. Geno gawked and tried to by out of the figures grasp, but he was too weak to fight, instead he let out a shakey sob and fell to his knees, dragging the cloaked man down with him.
Geno kept repeating why over and over, until the robe wearing stranger turned him around so he was on his lap. Geno kept his gaze down, afraid to meet the eyes of the one beneath. The figure raised a hand and caressed Genos cheek, making his shudder but not daring to look at him.
"Geno look at me," The figure spoke, rather harshly and forced Genos head upwards, to where he had no where to look beside his face.
Genos eyes welled up in tears and they started free falling, soaking the figures cloak. The figure smiled sadly, before wrapping his lost lover in a tight hug, his own eyes becoming unclear.
"Why," Geno whispered, his voice cracking. "Why did you leave us, Reaper?"

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