Let's Go Home

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This chapter came earlier than expected. Why? Because I'm mass-uploading Stand on Wattpad!


''Idiot! Where have you been?!'' demands Kurama angrily, though they all know he's not really angry, just worried. ''Have you any idea how worried we've been?!''

Tenma smiles sheepishly. ''Sorry, senpai...''

''Don't apologize,'' says Sangoku softly, and Tenma looks at him. ''We're just glad you're okay.'' His eyes soften as he looks at the younger boy. ''We were really worried, though. Never do that again!'' says the keeper.

Tenma's smile widens again. ''Hai, Sangoku-senpai...'' he falters a little, and Kurama and Sangoku look at him worriedly.

''Are you okay?'' asks Kurama this time, tone soft and concerned, something rare from the usual short-tempered boy.

''H-hai...'' whispers the brunet. A moment later, he stumbles again. Before his friends can react, he collapses on the ground.



Hakuryuu sighs deeply and wipes the sweat of his brow after having ran through half of the city before finally losing his pursuers. The albino inspects his surroundings. He is in the business district of Tokyo, surrounded by skyscrapers. He spins in a circle, trying to find a familiar landmark... to no avail.

''Okay... and I think I'm lost...'' mutters the white-haired player to himself. With a sigh, he starts walking in a random direction. ''Great, just great. Get lost in a huge unfamiliar city. I am so smart,'' he says sarcastically to himself. ''Damn it. Shuu, I really hope you're with Matsukaze right now...''

He walks around for a few minutes, not recognizing anything or anyone. 'How far have I ran? I know I've been running for quite a while... damn it, where are you, Shuu, Matsukaze?'

The albino is pulled out of his musings when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He whips around, fearing that his pursuers have found him, and is surprised to find someone else. ''T-Tsurugi?!'' he exclaims in shock.

It is indeed the dark-haired Raimon forward who is glaring at him, with the orange-haired Arakumo captain trailing behind him. ''Hakuryuu,'' greets Tsurugi coldly, and the albino frowns. 'What did I do wrong? Why is he so angry?'

''Tsurugi...?'' he says, in a questioning tone.

The glare intensifies, and Hakuryuu fights the urge to flinch, instead focusing on Tsurugi's words. ''So, anything you want to tell me about God Eden?'' hisses the Raimon player.

'God Eden? Why would he bring that u- oh...'

Hakuryuu straightens his back, meeting Tsurugi's glare without even blinking. ''I was going to tell you, Tsurugi,'' he says clearly, and his rival raises an eyebrow as if to ask 'what changed'. The albino searches for words for a few moments, before continuing. ''When I found Matsukaze there, together with Shuu, I was ready to call you, but... they asked me to listen to their side of the story first.''

Tsurugi's orange eyes narrow slightly, but before he can say something, Arakumo's captain speaks up for the first time. ''And you did.'' It's not a question, but a statement.

Hakuryuu nods anyway. ''Yes.'' His eyes don't look away from Tsurugi, as he tries to show his conviction and determination through his gaze. ''You only told me what you thought happened, Tsurugi. You didn't even have all the details of what happened to Matsukaze. Having that thought in mind, I listened to them. I got the full story, and this... this... it's more than you can ever imagine, Tsurugi.'' His voice drops to a whisper. ''This is not just about a lost match, or about rivalry between schools... when I heard Matsukaze's story, I just had to help him.''

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