Stop Resisting

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I'm really sorry about this guys, but I have to say it. Some of you will probably be pretty pissed, the rest will be very confused. Well, here we go...

I lost The Game.


Tenma nods, even though his friend can't see him. ''Okay. We'll get through this. See you.''

''See you.''

Haru hangs up, and Tenma puts his phone away. He feels a small brush of the familiar presence in his mind, Haru's presence. It offers him some comfort, and Tenma reaches out with his mind to send a feeling of gratefulness. He can almost feel Haru smile, as the presence retracts from his mind.

Tenma's thoughts are disturbed by the sound of Shindou's voice. ''Tenma, what was that all about?'' he asks worriedly. ''Who was that? And what do you mean, you're afraid?''

Tenma freezes when he hears his friend's voice. Slowly, he turns to voice his upperclassmen, who are all looking at him worriedly, though Kurama tries to hide it. Tenma looks at them with an uncertain look on his face, trying to think of a good answer. ''Err...''


Endou sighs when he opens the door to his house. He steps inside, and takes of his shoes. When he walks inside the living room, he is greeted by Natsumi. ''Hey,'' she says, smiling at him. ''How was practice?''

Her husband sighs, and collapses on the couch. He stays silent for a few moments. ''It went good. Kirino and Shindou both used Mixi-Trans.'' He stares at the wall, and frowns.

Natsumi looks worried at the other, and sits next to him on the couch, placing her hand on top of his. ''Then what's wrong, Mamoru?'' she asks softly, abandoning her old nickname for him, instead opting to use his first name.

Because of the use of his first name, Endou knows she is serious. The man sighs again, leaning against his wife a bit. ''I'm worried about the team. They are damaged. You should see them, Natsumi...'' he whispers. ''They are playing again, but their trust between each other has been weakened. We haven't exactly started the team training yet, but the way it is going now, it won't work. But that's not even the worst.''

Natsumi frowns, her auburn orbs meeting Endou's serious eyes. He looks extremely tired, she notices, not at all like the proud man who entered the room. It looks like he just took off a mask, revealing the tired and confused young man underneath. ''Then what is it, Mamoru?''

Her husband sighs again, looking sadly at the floor. ''You remember what happened at the Kanashimi match?'' when she nods, he continues. ''During the break, the second half and especially after the match, the Raimon Eleven said some things... really bad things.'' His eyes meet hers. ''I don't know if you noticed, but in the second half, Shindou acted as captain.''

Natsumi frowns, looking confused at the man next to her. ''Yes, I did. But I don't understand why. Did something happen to Tenma-kun?'' she asks, and Endou sighs heavily.

''Oh, yes, something did happen,'' he says bitterly. ''His teammates got angry at him.''

Natsumi's eyes widen. ''Why? He didn't do anything wrong. I didn't see anything, anyway,'' she says.

Endou nods at her words. ''I can't blame Raimon for this, but still...'' he sighs again and shakes his head in frustration. ''They lost all hope, Natsumi. All of them, except Tenma.'' He looks in her eyes, a serious frown on his face. ''Do you know what it's like to lose all hope, and then see one person who doesn't give up? Who still goes on?'' Natsumi looks at him in confusion. ''I don't.''

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