"That was so awesome". Giulia skipped her way down the hallway as they were guided to the VIP area where they could watch the band's performance. "We met Parkway Drive!". She jumped in front of Daniel and he laughed, giving her a playful push to get her out of his way. "I know, Gules. I'm glad you loved it". He placed his hands on her shoulders as they moved forwards, getting into a section very close to the stage, where Giulia could see everything perfectly as she was very small. She leaned her hands on the metal fence that kept them from actually being on the stage and she looked up at the decor that was already prepared for Parkway Drive. More VIP members were pouring into the small section and it made them stand pretty close to each other.

"I'm going to steal some of your personal space". Daniel muttered as he placed his hands on either side of where she had placed hers. She gave him a small smile over her shoulder, gasping in excitement as the lights went off and the show was about to start. They both had the time of their lives, carefree, enjoying the music and the company of each other, but Daniel enjoyed the evening even more to see her with such a smile on her face.


"The evening is over". Giulia pouted as she turned to Daniel while they were walking outside of the concert hall. "Everything comes to an end". He offered her a gentle smile and swung his arm around her shoulder. "I know, but moments like these, with us and the music, I don't want them to end". She sighed and Daniel was quiet for a moment, knowing she meant the time they spent together and their friendship with the 'with us' part of her response. "You filmed half of the show, so you can always upload it to my TV and we'll watch it all over again from my couch in Monaco". Giulia laughed and rolled her eyes, yet a yawn soon followed. "You're tired anyway". He mocked, however he had to yawn soon after her as well.

Giulia snickered at him and they got into the same SUV that brought them to the concert hall. They were quiet while the car drove over the roads to get them back to their hotel, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. They didn't need any words to communicate at the moment, still high from the drug called being at a concert. It was addictive, spending time and doing stupid shit like going out last night with Daniel was addictive. Just like he had been staring at her last night, she turned her head to let her gaze rest on his face. She sunk away in an absent stare and she didn't even notice him turning to look back at her. "What are you thinking of?". He asked and waved his hand in front of her face.

Giulia realized she was caught staring at him and she shrugged, turning her head to look out of the window to hide her blushing cheeks. "Nothing special". She replied and she felt how he kept looking at her for a couple seconds before looking out of the window too. The driver dropped them off at the hotel and they walked back through the lobby to get to the elevator. "At what time do you fly back to Australia?". Giulia asked as they stood in the elevator to their floor. "Evening flight I believe, Jemma's flying over from Tokyo straight to Perth". Daniel replied. "My flight is in the early afternoon, we can eat breakfast together if you want". She suggested and he nodded. "Sounds good". He smiled.

They stepped out of the elevator and Giulia reached her door first. "Thank you for the amazing experience to meet the band". She smiled widely and he nodded. "Of course, I didn't forget your childhood wish". His hand reached to caressed her jaw and she looked into his eyes at the gentle touch. "Buona notte". She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Daniel rested his head atop of hers and moved his fingers through her hair before she let go of him. "Goodnight". He greeted her and she waved from over her shoulder as she unlocked her door and disappeared behind it. Giulia decided she would take a shower next morning and she went straight to bed after changing into her pyjama shirt and shorts.

She took her phone with her and placed a couple pictures she made on her instagram page, including the group picture with the members of Parkway Drive. Giulia set her alarm and placed her phone on the nightstand to let it charge overnight. She turned to her right side and stared at the white duvet on the bed. She wished she could have those crazy nights with Pierre too, it would be great for them and their relationship. On the phone, Pierre had sounded pretty happy and she hoped he could focus on them two only again, focus was something she desprately needed. Especially because she was a bit scared by the feelings that errupted in her chest whenever she spent time with Daniel.

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