Birth (Zephyr)

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Niko has been back with us for a month now. I hated how he doted on Sylys but he wasn't the only one. Everyone here did but he was the only one I didn't like doing it. Sylys told me to get over it that if it wasn't for what he did for us our baby wouldn't be still growing in his womb. So I just ignored it. Today had been quiet Sylys was napping I was making dinner, Niko was out tending to the garden, Sage had came and went a few times, Dominic and Evie were staying until after the baby was born. Father also comes and goes. Suddenly the silence was broken by Sylys screaming. The doctor who was also staying here, his parents and Niko came rushing in.

"Ok everyone but Zephyr out" Doctor Callie said pushing everyone out and closing the door.

"Time to have us a baby, Zephyr get me towels and a big bowl of water" she smiled getting Sylys to roll to his back.

"It's to early" He panted as I did as the doctor asked glad I put a big bowl up here a couple days ago.

"You came at only 6 months of pregnancy. He or she will be a bit small but I'm told demons grow quickly" she said. I gave her the towels and sat the water on the table that I moved to where she could reach.

"Zephyr keep him calm help him with his breathing" she said. I sat and held his hand

"Sylys my Angel I love you" I whispered in his ear. It wasn't much longer she handed me a tiny crying boy with blonde hair like Sylys and horns like me. He even had wings feathers like Sylys but they were black.

"We have a son He's beautiful" I smiled at Sylys who was drifting off to sleep.

"I love you" he said and fell asleep I started to panic.

"Don't worry Dad, he needs rest labor and delivery took alot out of him. I need to check your son now" Doctor Callie said. I let her take him, but watched her He had a set of lungs on him.

"Does he have a name" she asked.

"Not yet we never spoke about names with everything that was going on we just never got around to it" I answered looking back at Sylys sleeping soundly.

"Do you wish you announce now or wait until Sylys is awake" she asked handing me my son back now dressed in a white sleeper that she fixed to fit his wings and he was wrapped in a white blanket.

"You can let everyone know that we have a healthy baby. We'll tell everyone he a boy and his name once he wakes and get to talk" I said and she left quietly.

An hour later Sylys woke up. When our son strated fussing.

"Hey there how you feeling" I asked.

"Good, let me see our baby" he said sitting up. I handed him our son.

"We have a beautiful son now he needs a name" I smiled and kissed his temple.

"Go have mom make him a bottle. Then we can talk" he said. I was happy to go. I got bombarded with questions.

"I'm down here to get a bottle for the baby and go back to my husband and baby we will answer all those question together" I said Evie quickly went and made a bottle , and I went back up Sylys was rocking him and singing softly to him. I seen he had his eyes open he had one violet eye like Sylys and one brown like me. I handed Sylys the bottle.

"He's half me and half you he's perfect" Sylys smiled up at me.

"Yes he is we need to give him a name my Angel"
I said and sat next to him in our bed.

"I read a book a few days a go and one of the characters was named Synclair I thought it was a nice name. I meant to say something" he said

"It is a nice name. We can call him Syn for short" I said.

"I love it. I think we should give him both our last names maybe one as a middle name" he said.

"Then His name is Synclair Kross Rose" I smiled and kissed him

"Why not Synclair Rose Kross" he asked.

"I thought it sounded better" I shrugged.

"Ok, have you told anyone else we have a son"

"No I had Doctor Callie just tell them we had a healthy baby and when I went to get a bottle they where asking boy or girl if he or she had a name. what color hair he had what was the color of His eyes which I didn't know until I came back in anyways. I told him we would both answer their questions" I said.

"They can come in a visit. Mom and dad first" he smiled. So I went and got his parents I senced father was here now. I think that was first he came in quietly of course the last time he came he made a big production and Sylys went off on him telling if he did that again we would go stay in Reedwealth and he would never see the baby. Father tryed saying Dominic would never let me in Reedwealth but Dominic backed Sylys up and said I was welcome to come if and when I wanted. So apparently he took them seriously.

They went and visited with Sylys and Syn then father. Then Sage and Niko after they visited then the doctor was last so she could make out his birth certificate and we made sure that Kross was his middle name.

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