She took Niko (Sage)

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I've been living here with Sylys, Zephyr and my brother in Sylys' and Zephyr's home. We knew Marah was after Sylys, but it had been quiet so quiet all word of her had stopped. Sylys convinced Zephyr to go get somethings he wanted. Of course Zephyr made him promise to stay here and let Niko and me protect him. Ever since Zephyr found out Sylys is pregnant he has been overly protective. So Sylys agreed so he could get whatever it was he wanted apparently he was craving certain foods. At first Zephyr wanted to send Niko. but Sylys got really upset and told him that he was carrying his child not Niko's that he should want to take care of him and not want to send someone else to do it. That was the first time I ever seen him get angry. Anyways Zephyr left a few minutes ago leaving Niko with strick instruction to protect Sylys at all cost, and Niko said he protect him with his life. Of course as soon as Zephyr left Sylys told him to go outside and leave him alone. Which Niko did I seen Sylys go up to his and Zephyr's room. So I went to go let Niko know. To see Marah not only in the protected area but holding Niko. She disappeared with him before I could do anything. I went up to let Sylys know.

"Niko leav......" Sylys said angrily as he opened the door... "Oh Sage, what do you want" he said annoyed.

"Marah she took Niko" I said now in tears.

"What when" he asked and started going downstairs.

"Just now he was sitting outside weeding the garden you planted last week" I said. We went outside. He went straight to the garden.

"I'm sorry Sage we'll find him" He said bending down right where she and Niko stood before they disappeared. He bent down and picked something up. Niko's ring that he wore that signified he was the head of the royal guard.
It also had his name printed on it.

"Why would he drop that" I asked.

"I think it's so she thinks he's me" he answered. Makes since I was made aware how much Niko and Sylys looked alike. Zephyr hated it so Niko started wearing fake glasses. He took them off shortly after Zephyr left.

"What about Zephyr do you think she got him to" I asked.

"I don't know" he frowned and looked out to the ring of trees that was part of the protective barrier around this place.

"Do you have a way to contact him" I asked.

"Not exactly, but I'm trying to project that I need him. I'm hoping if he's able he'll feel it and come home" I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Try not to worry to much. It's not good on the baby" I said. He just glared at me.

An hour went by no word from Zephyr. now I was pacing. Poor Sylys was sitting on the steps to the porch head in hands in tears. When finally Zephyr came in very angry and right behind him was his father.

"Sylys what's wrong why are you crying" he asked. He looked up from his hands and rushed to Zephyr who caught him in a hug.

"Sage why is he so upset. Where's Niko" Zephyr asked.

"Marah took him. Sylys has been trying to contact you the past hour" I answered backing away from Zed I didn't like him he gave me a an uneasy feeling.

"Where were you"Sylys asked still in tears.

"I'm sorry Sylys my father decided to pay me a visit when I went out and as always made a big production out of it" Zephyr answered glaring at his father.

"As I said it wasn't safe for you to be out wondering around" He said like it was no big deal.

"It's not that Father. Because of your antics you cut my senses off to everything except you. As a result I couldn't hear Sylys when he needed me. What if she got to him. her getting Niko is bad enough and you will help us get him back. No questions, no complaints, and I swear one more antics out of you I will cut you off from us and you will never meet your grandchild" Zephyr said to Zed. I could see the anger in his eyes I thought Zed was one to fear boy was I wrong.

"I will get the boy myself you stay here with Sylys and the young girl whoever she is" Zed said.

"My name is Sage and the boy who has a name. Is Niko and is my brother" I said.

"Just go Zed, and don't return without Niko. and don't worry Zephyr will stay here with me. Oh and you might want to strengthen the barrier because she got in here. Niko was tending to my garden when she took him I think she thinks he's me" Sylys said.

"I'll make it so strong that not even I can come back in without your and Zephyr's say so" Zed said and left.

"Should I help in finding Niko" I asked

"No" they both almost shouted. "If she catches you she will kill you without thought. Stay here you can use your power to keep her out from now on and any other demon who wishes to enter here that intends us harm" Zephyr continued.

"Ok" I half smiled I knew he was right it wouldn't do Niko any good if I went out and got caught and killed trying to help him. I knew he was strong he could fight her both physically and mentally.

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