United (Zephyr)

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I kept a tight grip on Sylys hand as we walked the streets of Istiolyn. This city is one of the most dangerous exspecially for him. If the wrong person discovered him they would kill me just to get to him and sell him off to the highest bidder. My old friend Declan we use to travel together before he met his wife Ella. He works here in the city. Or at least the last time we spoke two years ago he did. We reached the shop the name changed Wight's Magic Spells. He's the owner now. I walked in Sylys right behind me. Ella was behind the desk.

"Zephyr" she asked

"Hello Ella. Where's Declan" I asked. She glanced at Sylys.

"He went to go get some supplies. He'll be back soon. You and your friend can wait in the back if you want" she said I looked back at Sylys the hood of the cloak hid his face pretty good. I realized he smelt like flowers. Shit I didn't think to cover up his scent.

"That would be great Ella" I said she showed us to the back which was like a small apartment. I knew they didn't live here but stayed here sometimes.

I pulled Sylys close to me and pulled the hood down.

"What's wrong, we're safe here right" he asked

"Yes we're safe but we'll have to cover up your scent before we leave again" I said.

"Is this the friend you mentioned" he asked

"Yes he's a sorcerer, and in this world they are seen like priest and are able to marry couples. He's also a really good friend and I knew he would want to meet you and keep your identity secret" I smiled and kissed him.

"Would it help if I didn't have wings or the purple eyes" he asked

"And didn't smell like flowers" I smiled and caressed the side of his face he closed his eyes then opened them again they were a sky blue color now. Surprised I stepped back and pulled the cloak off his wings were gone. If I didn't know better I would think he was just a elven man.

"Perfect. There are a few elves here in Istiolyn so no one will think twice" I smiled

"Can't change my smell" he said.

"No worries Declan can help with that. Can you change back" I said. Just as Declan and Ella came in.

"What kind of trouble you in now my old friend" he asked. I moved so he could see Sylys now looking like he normally looks.

"Good grief you kidnapped a celestial" he sighed

"He didnt kidnap me I came willingly" Sylys said

"Declan this is Sylys" I said

"Your Soul mate" he asked

I nodded "We want to get married and I was hoping you would unite us" I said I spoke of Sylys alot when Declan and I traveled.

"Absolutely anything for you" he smiled.

"Not here, it's not safe for a celestial. Let's go out to the house" Ella said. Sylys did his trick.

"That's impressive I would think you're just an elf, but still would rather be in the safety of my home" Declan laughed and it was hard to impress him exspecially with an illusion.

We went to a nice cabin outside the city. I don't know why but I kept getting the feeling someone would interfer and stop our marriage. There are many from both the demon world and the celestial world that would not like the idea of such a union, and would do anything to stop it.

"Is there something wrong" Sylys asked softly.

"Not really, just the feeling someone might try to stop our marriage" I answered.

He looked at Declan who was going though a book. Ella went into the kitchen.
"Me too" he frowned.

"Ok you two I found the binding spell. It will bind the two of you together and no one will be able to break it. Not even Zed" Declan smiled coming over to where we were standing.

"Who" Sylys asked.

"My father, in honesty I'm not worried about father trying to come between us the only person who might is Dominic" I said

"Surely, if a spell is powerful enough that not when a demon could break it. Then the Elven king won't be able to" Sylys said

"Why would the elven king care" Declan asked as Ella came in with some ingredients clearly for the spell.

"He's my dad" Sylys answered.

"Gee's Zephyr you two are going to alot of heat from both sides, but he's right this binding spell won't be able to be broken by anyone. Not even death. Just will need an item from each of you like a ring preferably" Declan said. Sylys pulled a chain out from under his shirt which had a ring on it. I recognize it right away it was the one my mom had made for him when he was born. The stone was one of a kind called the Angel's tear which was blue in color. I had it's opposite Demon's heart which was red. I pulled it off my right ring finger. They already had a spell on them to tie the bearers souls. The binding spell would only enhance that spell.

"Perfect​, once the spell is done Zephyr will wear Sylys' ring, and Sylys will wear Zephyr's" Declan said. As Declan preformed the spell you could feel the power of it in the air. I could feel it deep in my soul and heart, and I knew Sylys could feel it to. We kept eye contact during the spell.

Declan had me place my ring on Sylys and Sylys place his on me. I've never felt so connected and united to another as I do now.

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