Chapter 13

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I stare at the body, then turn to Erik, wide-eyed. The gun in his hand disappears.

Erik looks at me. "Done."

"Gone." I say. "Forever."

I think this calls for a nice drink or two." Erik says. "Feel like having one?"

"Erik, do you not remember how old I am?"

"Yes, I know, 19, but you'll look that way your whole life!" He says. "Do you really not want it? Besides, I'm pretty sure the legal drinking age is different here than in the U.S."

"If anything, I feel like sitting somewhere nice for a while. Aston was an annoying son-of-a-bitch and egotistical. I need to go somewhere where there isn't a lot of that...for now anyways."

"I think I know just the place." He says. "It's In Venice."

"Not too far away then." I pause. "How's your shoulder?"

He looks at it and then looks back at me. "It's been better. Doesn't hurt that much anymore. Only when you touch it."

"We need to get you to a doctor. Come on." Then we start walking back the direction we came.

The next night, after his wounds were treated by a doctor who we ended up not paying (yes we made a run for it), we sit in a small café outside by the water.

"What is it?" I ask him. I see he's sitting still and silent, staring down at the table.

"I've just killed the man you've been after for a little less than a year...and you're not shaken up about it." He looks at me.

"It's fine. I'm happy he's dead." I say. "But I couldn't kill him."

"Why not?"

"I just..." I slightly shake my head. "I just couldn't."

"There has to be a reason. You've killed people before."

"Yes, I have killed people before, but those were mainly because I didn't mean to. I ended their life on accident."

"Remind me to not be near you then." He says sarcastically.

"It's not like that. If I'm ever in a fight with someone, maybe they're trying to kill of us ends up dead and it's not me."

"Well obviously, you're immortal."

"Even before that."

He gives me a questioning look. "You mean before you got your powers?"

I nod. "When I was 18...I was walking on the street in a crowd, and then a man...came out of an alley nearby, grabbed me, and pulled me into the shadows, unseen by the people walking by. He pulled me to the end of an alley where there was a car...a black SUV I think. He pulled me into it but I kicked him away as hard as I could. We fought, and then he brought out a knife. Eventually, after a few minutes, I managed to grab the knife from him, knock him down to the ground...and the knife entered his chest." I look Erik in the eye.

"Before that, when I was 14," I continue. "I was alone in my house, both of my parents were both working late so I was home alone at night. At one point, a man burst into the house and came after me. I ran upstairs, grabbed my father's shotgun, quickly loaded it, and shouted that if he came any closer I would shoot him. He didn't believe me. He came after me...and I shot him." I pause. "I've killed a little over 5 people in my life Erik, and I'm only 19."

"There are 18 year-old and possibly younger boys in the war who killed much more than five people."

"That was the army, Erik, of course someone's going to kill more than five people in a war. It's a war. This is different; I was just a regular teenage girl before."

He nods in understanding. "And yet you can get easily freaked out whenever something like that happens."

"I used to get freaked out." I correct. "Erik, that kind of thing...seeing a dead body or ending someone's life...that didn't happen for me everyday. You saw me not be freaked out when you shot...well, you know."


"Don't say his name. I never want to hear it again." I say. "That bastard killed nearly everyone I cared about and ruined my life."

"And now you have a chance to start over."

I give him a questioning look.

"Come with me, Elsa. Come with me and Mystique."

"And do what?"

"I think you know."

I hesitate. "You've asked me something like this before."

"But this time you actually have the opportunity. You don't feel obligated to stay with someone. To take care of them."

"How do you know that?" I ask.

"You're going back to Charles?"

"No. I'm not 'going to' anyone."

"If you're not going to anyone, then you can come and work with me and Mystique."

"You mean work for you and with Mystique?"

"No. Please Elsa, you and Mystique are really the only people I care about. You two are my friends."

"We're your only friends."

"Thanks." He says sarcastically.

"Give me another reason why I should come with you."

"We think alike. You and I both know that."

Well, he's right.

It's not like I really have anywhere to go anyways. I can always go and see Charles at some point.


I heave a sigh. "Fine." I answer. "I'll come with you. Where's Mystique?"

"Should be in London shortly."

"Where do we go after that?"

"I'll tell you when we get there."


The end!

I know for sure I'm going to make a sequel, which will be posted by the end of next week :)

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