Chapter 11

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After changing back to jeans (since a skirt is extremely uncomfortable when you're running all over the place), we rushed back to the Piazza San Marco, and looked around for any signs of Aston.

"So we're back to square one." I conclude when we meet back at the center.

"Maybe." Erik says, looking away from me.

"Maybe?" I repeat.


"Erik, Charles is in New York. And besides, I can't just call out his name and then somehow he'll hear me."

"Yes you can." I hear a familiar voice behind me.

I turn and see, standing at least fifteen feet away from me, Charles.

I let out a gasp. "Charles!" Then I realize he's standing. "I thought you couldn't-"

"I'm not actually here. I'm in your mind." He explains.

"Damn." Erik mutters.

Suddenly the helmet he took from Shaw appears above a building and zooms towards us. It flies into Erik's hand. I realize the helmet is more of a crimson color now and has some kind of accesory on the front of it.

"Don't go into my head again." He says with a dangerous sounding tone, then puts the helmet on his head.

"Where did you get that?" I ask him.

"One of my bank accounts."

Charles heaves a sigh and I turn back to him.

"He's always been rather difficult." He says to me, glancing at Erik.

"What are you doing here?"

"You don't have much time." He says. "Elsa, it was difficult to do this, but I found Aston for you."


"Aston is heading to Moscow but will stop first in Krakow. You can catch him there but you have to hurry, his plane takes off in half an hour."

"Can you control his mind?"

"No. He has something that's blocking me from entering his mind. As if he knew about me or just telepaths in general."

"Okay, thanks for the heads up." I start to walk away.

"Elsa." He says, and I turn back to him. He walks towards me until he's three feet away from me. "You have to understand; he is a very, incredibly dangerous man."


"Elsa, he experimented on himself so he has more powers than a mutant would normally have."

"Wait, he's a-?"

"Mutant, yes."

"What's his-?"



"Without wings. That's his mutation. He's like Erik-he can move metal. Then he did to himself after what he did to you, after seeing that the experiment on you worked. He has the same exact powers as you do minus the hair and clothing. Elsa, he made himself exactly like you. He can easily kill you and Erik. He made himself to be that way."

"Thanks for the heads up-" I start to turn away.

"But that doesn't mean you have to kill him."

I turn back to him. "Still want me to reconsider?"

"I advise you to. Elsa, you are a very kind person whom I believe is incapable of killing someone."

"I already have. I killed at least one or two men at the bar in-"

"You didn't mean to. This time you will mean to and be well aware of that you ended a man's life."

"A terrible, cruel man."

"You don't have to kill him."

"But I'm going to. Thanks for the warning."

Charles heaves a sigh and I turn and walk away as his image fades.

"Come on Erik. We've got a plane to catch in less than half an hour."

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