Chapter 3

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"Wait...are those wings...?" An English man's voice which I don't recognize trails off. I don't know who he is, I don't even know what he looks like. I don't know where I am, all I see is black...

Where's Erik? Where are...

I slip out of consciousness.

I slowly open my eyes and blink a couple times, my eyes adjusting to the bright light. I slowly sit up.

"Whoa, slow down." Someone familar says next to me just as I get the feeling I sat up too quickly.

"Ugh..." I bring up my knees and cover my eyes with one hand, my elbow resting on one knee. Soon the  buzzing and dizzyness in my head goes away.

"Here." The same man says, and hands me a small glass of water. That's when I realize my throat is dry and scratchy. I take the glass and sip some water back before the man takes the glass back.


I look at the man next to me.

"Erik!" I cry out happily, I reach over and hug him. When I pull away he looks at me.

"Who else would it be?" He smiles, chuckling.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"In a hospital somewhere in England. I really don't know." He answers, then pauses. "Thank you Elsa, for saving my life."

"It was nothing-"

"Seriously," He looks me in the eye. "Thank you, for pulling me out of the water, taking me here, saving my life in the process-thank you."

"You're welcome Erik." I hesitate. "Do you remember anything...after the plane crashed?"

Erik hesitates before he answers, in the meantime he looks like he tries to remember something.

"All I remember is the plane crashing into the water...then waking up here, in the hospital."

"Nothing else?"


"So...they got you stitched up, did they?" I ask, looking at the stitched up cut on his head.

"Yeah." He answers as I reach forward and examine it. "37 stitches."

"37?" I ask slightly in surprise.

"Yeah." He winces when I place my hand near it.

"Sorry." I say quickly, and take my hand away/

"It's fine."

Then I remember.

"Aston." I say, then look Erik in the eye. "Erik, we need to find Aston! He could be-!"

I threw off the light blanket and started to get off the bed when there was a stabbing pain in my back that cut me short. I wince.

"Yeah, you need some rest." Erik pushes me back with one hand until I'm resting against the pillow behind me.

"What about you? You hit your head on a piece of metal and was unconscious in freezing water!"

"Stop worrying so much." Erik says. "Your stressed and wounded and going to find Aston right now is  not a good idea."

"Erik, I'm fin-"

"No, Elsa, you're not fine."

"But I heal up automatic-"

"Well your wings didn't because you were flying when one was wounded."

"Erik, what are you trying to say?"

"I'm sorry Elsa," He looks down for a second, then looks me in the eye. "But they had to cut them off. They weren't healing up like they should."

Ending AstonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora