Chapter 7

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"Palermo Italy's a bit generic..." I say. "Speak any Italian?" I ask Erik.

We're sitting together on the plane ride to Italy.

"Not exactly. But if he's in Palermo Italy, he's on the coast of Sicily." Erik answers.

"Great." I say.

"We need to blend in."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Why don't we look like we live there?" Erik suggests. "We won't stand out as much."

"Oh, cause I'm sure that a guy with a German-Irish accent with light hair and eyes won't stand out at all." I say sarcastically.

"You have light eyes." He pauses. "Aston's rich isn't he?" He asks, changing the subject.

"I would think so. He had advanced technology."

"Then he'd have a boat."

"Do I really have to get into a swimsuit?"


"Damn you."

"Sorry." He smirks.

"You're not sorry."

The plane jerks a little in the turbulance, and I clutch the arms of my seat, my knuckles white.

"It's okay." Erik says, noticing my death grip on the arms of the seat. "Just a little turbulance."

"I've had bad experiences with planes..." I mutter.

Erik rests a hand on mine and looks me in the eye, but I avoid his eyes, looking down.

"We're not going to crash again."

"We didn't think so the last time, and look what happened."

"It's not going to happen again."

"Erik, last time I got in a plane I almost lost my friend."

"Hey," He places his thumb under my chin and tilts my face up towards him. "Look at me." I look him in the eye. "That's not going to happen. Ever."

"How can you be so sure?" I ask quietly.

"Stop worrying so much." He says. "And besides, I'm sure of it because if this plane actually does crash, I'll rescue you just like you did with me." He entwines his fingers through mine and we lock eyes for a few seconds. He slowly starts to lean forward towards me, but then a flight attendant makes an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen we will be arriving in ten minutes."

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