Chapter 6

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We managed to get a ferry over to France using different names and soon we were on the ferry.

"So after you kill Aston..." Erik says. "What then?"

"I don't know." I answer. "I guess I'll just find out when I get to that point."

"Would you like to make an account?" The Swiss man asks in French.

"No." I answer back in French.

"Then I'm afraid I cannot help you." He answers.

"I'm looking for a man. American. A doctor of sorts, one who...likes to experiment on and ruin people's lives, maybe you know him? He has an account here." I answer back.

I see him slowly reaching for an alarm. Erik, who's sitting next to me, also sees. Right before he can touch the alarm, the man's watch seems to be holding his hand and is holding it there.

"Thanks." I say to Erik, then turn to the man. "Do not touch that alarm." I say back in French, standing up and walking over to him. I sit on the edge of his desk. "I want Aston. Arnold Aston. Where is he?"

"Our clients don't provide addresses. We're not-"

"Not that sort of bank?"

"Oh damn, this guy." Erik says.

I turn to him. "This guy?" I repeat.

"We...met each other when I was looking for Shaw. I came here and the conversation went pretty much like this."

"You!" The man says, finally looking at Erik and realizing who he is. Clearly he recognizes him. "You came here before!" His eyes are wide. Clearly their little conversation before didn't end very well.

"Still have metal fillings?" Erik asks him and I look at him again.

"Were you his dentist or something? I didn't even know you were one."

"I wasn't." Erik answers. "But I might have torn out a metal filling to get some information from him."

"I won't talk!" The man shouts.

"Yes you will." I answer. "And you will tell me exactly where Aston is or else you might feel a little...shock."

The man gives me a questioning look, and I roll my eyes, then tap his shoulder and shock him. He jumps in his seat and looks at me with a fearful expression just like he had when he recognized Erik.

"You're just like him!" He exclaims.

"No shit, Sherlock Holmes." I answer. "Now tell me where he is."

"No! I'll never tell!"

"Hm, seems like you didn't learn..." I tap him on his shoulder and shock him twice as much as I did last time.

"No!" The man screams.

I heave a sigh and then place my hand on that man's shouder, electrocuting him.

"Palermo! Palermo Italy! Please!" The man screams as my hand is still on his shoulder. I take my hand off.

"Thank you." I say, stand up, and start walking away. I turn to Erik. "Ready?"

"I will kill you, freak bitch!" He shouts to me.

"You forgot a warning." Erik says.

I turn to the man. "I would like to kill you, you're not a very nice person. After all, you weren't very cooperative and you did call me a...what was it? 'Freak Bitch'. Doesn't really flow together as well, I would have chosen something different but, you know, to each his own." I pause. "So...mark my words..." I walk to the door just as Erik stands up. "If you warn anyone I'm coming...I'll find you." I say without turning to the man. I open the door and walk out, Erik following me.

"How was that?" I ask him as we walk out of the bank.

"Nicely done for the first time threatening somebody."

"I hope it'll be the last time too."

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