call me daddy

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wyatt to jaeden

wyatt: hi bitch

jaeden: hoe what do u want

wyatt: slut i'll meet you in 16 days

jaeden: what?

wyatt: finn comes to visit millie in hawkings and he asked me to come too

jaeden: r u serious

wyatt: no he died in the fifth book i'm jo kingh


wyatt: i did

wyatt: but yeah i'm serious

jaeden: ohmygoooood i can't wait 16 days

wyatt: me neither

wyatt: fr i can't wait to see u

wyatt: ur so hot bb

jaeden: lmao plz stopp

wyatt: just admit it ur hot

jaeden: no suck my dick

jaeden: *fuck you hoe

jaeden: damn autocorrect

wyatt: well talking about sum succ people have said i have a good mouth ;)

wyatt: *ass

wyatt: *personality

jaeden: lmao wow

jaeden: guess i just have to find out myself so i can confirm...

wyatt: sir yes sir

jaeden: woah woah

jaeden: call me daddy

wyatt: oh god i want u so much daddy

jaeden: can't wait to see u babe

wyatt: im screaming pls come here now

jaeden: just wait so it'll be better

wyatt: i'll try but i might not be able to control myself and stay here

jaeden: well im not complaining if you come here earlier

jaeden: but i have to go now

wyatt: bye hoe

jaeden: bye slut

im so stressed school is literally killing me i have these nationwide exams and they're so hard that i just want to cry and fake my death and move to italy. but then im so happy i have like 30 days of school left and then im free for couple months!!! btw i hope u enjoyed this chap and pls vote if u liked this
- emilia

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