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muggle au where hermione and cedric know each other as smol children

Hermione scowled at the cake in front of her while swinging her legs. She and Cedric both sat on high wire chairs, and Hermione could not reach the floor.

Cedric was smiling. Cedric was always smiling, really. Hermione, annoyed, kicked him. 

"What are you smiling at?"

Cedric continued to smile. "Nothing. You just have a dash of cream on your nose."

Hermione huffed.

"I'll get it off for you if you like," volunteered Cedric.

Before Hermione could do anything, he leaned over the table, and she felt his lips meet her nose. He licked the cream off.

"It's all gone now!" he smiled, innocence radiating from every feature.

Hermione, beet red, crossed her arms. Muttering under her breath, she said, "Stupid Cedric!"

But Cedric could see that she was still smiling under her blush.

oh, cedricDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora