flatmates (part one)

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It was 9 am and Cedric was attempting to fry bacon. Hermione was still asleep, but the smell wafted throughout the flat.

He hummed a little tune in his apron, and flipped over a piece of bacon. The crackle of the grease filled the silent flat.

Hermione's door creaked open, and a sleepy-eyed Hermione came out, wrapped in a blanket.

"Morning!" he greeted cheerfully. Hermione walked straight past him to the stove.

"Is that bacon?"

"Yes," he replied, slightly miffed that she went to the bacon without greeting him.

"It's burning," she said.

Cedric's eyes widened. "Shoot, shoot shoot," he muttered, and placed the bacon onto a plate, switching the stove off. He brought the plate to the table and was acutely aware of two arms that slipped around his waist.

"It smells good," she said, huskily. "But not as good as you." She snuggled her face into his neck, and he froze, bright red.

"LET'S GET YOU BACK TO YOUR ROOM," he almost yelled. He gently picked her up, bridal style, and she smirked sleepily at him.

After safely placing Hermione in her bed, Cedric let out a sigh of relief. Then the door opened again. "Was I just out here?" she asked, seeming flustered.

"Y-yes," he stuttered.

"Oh no." She retreated hastily back into her room, and let out a huge groan. "Ginny told me that I was really flirty when I was half asleep. D-did I flirt with you?"

Cedric only gave her a sheepish smile. Hermione groaned, and ate all of the bacon.

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