Chapter 10

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I'm having a dream about my childhood when I was happily livng with my Mom, Dad and Jacob. Except in this dream, I am my current age and so is Jacob. Well, at least how I imagined he would look at his current age. We are all laughing and just having a good time, when all of a sudden my dad looks at me. "Let go." He says. I don't even have a chance to ask him what he means before I feel myself being shaken awake.

I look up and see Chres standing over me.

"What the hell?"

"Sorry, but you have get up."

"Why?" I whine.

"London, you know you have school today. I told you that yesterday."

"Oh, stop sounding like my mother. I don't even have to get up yet." I roll over and pull the covers over my head.

Chres yanks the covers off of my head.

"London get up... now. It's 7:45 and school starts at 8:30."


"You take such a long ass time to get ready. That's why. If you don't get up now, you're going to be late and you're going to make me late. So get up."

"5 more minutes. Why won't you just let me get some damn sleep?"

"That's the thing! I already let you sleep in 20 minutes later than you were supposed to."

All of a sudden, Chres's little sister comes running in and jumps on the bed.

"Chres Chres Chres! We gonna be late!" She looks at me and pauses. "Why she still in the bed?" She looks at Chres.

"Trust me Liyah, I tried to get her up."

"Lo Lo you gotta get up now! We gonna be late for school!" She starts tugging on my arm.

"Okay okay okay. I'm up." I say as I get out the bed.

"Finally. It's about time." Chres rolls his eyes at me. I damn near choke him out, but I keep my cool.

"You better watch how you move your damn eyes at me." I warn him.

"Don't swear infront of Liyah, London. I told you that."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"Chres, it's okay. I'm a big girl." Liyah says.

"Yes you are, but not old enough to be listening to words like that."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes.

What is up with them and all that eye rolling stuff?

"Okay, well can you two leave so I can get ready? I'm pretty sure Liyah still has some outfit perfecting to do anyways."

"Umm, you are looking at perfect." She points to herself. "I'm the baddest in the whole kindergarten." She says as she leaves the room.

I just look at Chres.

"I know, I know." He says before I even say anything.

"She's got a lot of attitude for only being 5." I say

"Yeah I know. But you will get used to it."

"Okay, well I kind of need to change now."

"Oh yeah sorry." I can tell he wants to say something, but he doesn't. He just turns around and heads out the door.

I'm still buzzing from that kiss last night as I pick out my outfit . I really don't give a fuck what the people at Chres's school will think of me, so I I just pick out something simple: my red, white and blue tie dyed shirt, a pair of ripped acid wash skinny jeans and my red and white Jordans. I put my outfit on right there since I don't have time to take a shower today. I go over to my mirror to put on my makeup. I apply a bit of foundation and mascara. I create a cat eye with my eyeliner, and finish it off with my red lipstick. I straighten my natural curls out and then curl the ends of my hair. I take a step back from the mirror and realize the outfit is missing something. I go over to my closet and get my red Adidas hat and place it backwards on my head.

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