Chapter 6

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Chres POV

After London does all her shopping, she is tired and she says she doesn't want to stop and get something to eat. As we were walking back to my car, I can tell she is really tired. She is leaning on me with her eyes half closed.

"We're almost there." I wrap my arm around her waist to support her more.

She is basically falling asleep while walking. We get to my car and I unlock the car. I help her into the car and click her seatbelt. "Thanks." She says drowsily. She immediately falls asleep. I grab her bags and put them in the backseat, then walk over to my side of the car. I start the car on and start to drive home. I turn the radio on and quietly listen to some music.

After about 10 minutes, I hear Lo say something in her sleep. I laugh and then turn forwards to face the road. We are about 5 minutes away from my house when I hear her scream out loud. I nearly swerve off the damn road. I gain control of the wheel again and then she screams again, slightly louder. I'm starting to get a little nervous. Is she okay? She screams again and whimpers. Then she starts to full out cry. Tears are streaming down her face, and I reach over to wipe them away. I don't like seeing her this way.

"No! Stop! Let me go! Please!" She starts to move her arms a little in the seat.

"Lo? Are You okay?" I shake her arm, but she doesn't wake up.

Then I hear her yell my name. "Chres!"

I smile to myself. She's dreaming about me? Then I look over at her and see the terrified and pain-filled look on her face and my smile drops. I hope I'm not the one hurting her In her dream. That will only ruin her little bit of trust she has for me. I can't lose that little bit of trust or else I lose her. As my mind starts to wander slightly, I am snapped back into reality when I hear her yell, "No! Stop! Please! Chres watch out!"

"London?" I shake her. "Lo wake up." I pull into the driveway.

She doesn't wake up. She must be having a really deep dream because she is not responding to me. I've never seen someone talk this much in their sleep before. It's actually kind of scary.

All of a sudden, she starts to shake in her seat and she goes into fucking hysterics. I pull into the driveway and unbuckle my seatbelt. I rush over to her side of the car and open her door. I wrap my arms around her waist to try to comfort her, but it doesn't work. 

"Nooo! Chres! Oh my god!" She starts crying really loud and I let her tears fall onto my shirt. I feel her body her body loosen up and I let go of her. She opens her eyes and sits up more. She has tear stained cheeks, her eyes are wild and she is panting. Her eyes meet mine and I swear I see tears start to form in her eyes. "Are you o-" I start to say.

"Chresanto." She cries, and jumps into my arms. I wrap my arms tightly around her back and she wraps her legs around my waist. She nudges her head into my chest and balls her eyes out.

"Lo, what's wrong? Are you okay, what happened? What did you dream about?"

"I-I I don't know if I want to talk about it." She puts her head down and a tear falls.

I lift her chin up so she is looking me in the eyes.

"No, Lo. You have been hiding things from me too long. Just tell me what is bothering you, and maybe I can help."

She looks around and sighs. "Can we go inside and talk about this?"

"Yeah, sure. That's fine." I say. I help her out of the car and lock the door. We walk to the front door and I unlock it and lead her past the kitchen.

"Hey honey." My Mom kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey Mom."

"Hey Hun. Oh my god! What happened to you? You look a mess. Why are you crying? My Mom says when she sees London walk in.

"It's nothing... really. I'm fine." She says quietly.

"Honey, I am a Mom. I know when something is wrong. So tell me. What is it?"

"Mom, she clearly just said that she is fine. Can you just drop it?"

She puts her hands up in defense. "Ok ok ok. I'll stop asking. But if you need anything, I'm always here, ok?"

"Ok" Lo says gratefully. "Thanks Mrs. August."

"You're welcome, but please, call me Cindy."

"Ok Cindy."

I grab London's hand and take her upstairs. I open the door to my room and she sits on my bed. "Ok, so now tell me what has been freaking you out, and what you were dreaming about. I want to know everything. There's no need to to be afraid to tell me. I won't judge you... I promise."

I hold out my pinky to her and she giggles a little. "You aren't serious." she looks at me.

"I'm dead serious." I smile at her. She grabs my pinky with hers and we shake.

"I can't believe you are almost 18 years old and you still pinky promise." She laughs harder. "That's so cute."

"Well what can I say. I'm a cute kind of guy." I shrug my shoulders.

"Ok, now don't get too full of yourself Chres." She smirks.

"Ok ok, I'll stop." I put my hands up. "But you still need to tell me what has been going on with you and why you get so freaked out sometimes."

"I know, but it's just really hard to talk about it. There's so much I have to explain in order for you to understand."

"It can't possibly be that bad Lo." I say.

"Actually yes it is. It's worse than what you're probably thinking."

"You're probably just blowing it out of proportion."

"No I'm not! It is probably one of the worst things that could happen to anybody. And if you're gonna be so damn insensitive about it, I won't tell you shit! Maybe I should just leave now since apparently you don't really care about how this is affecting me!" She stands up, grabs her jacket, and starts walking towards the door.

I can't let her leave.

I stop her by gently grabbing her wrists. She whips around and yanks her wrist from my grip. Her face is red with anger.

"Let go of me Chres. Don't touch me. I can't even believe I was about to trust you with something this personal. You're such an asshole Chresanto."

"Look, Im sorry. I-"

"Sorry doesn't mean shit to me Chres." She cuts me off.

"You didn't let me finish what I was about to say."

"I don't need to hear your little bullshit apology. If you actually cared, you would have shut your mouth and listened to what I had to say, instead of assuming it was just something being blown out of proportion."

"I know that. I was being an asshole, and I'm sorry for that. I wasn't putting your feelings before my own. I don't know what you're going through right now, so I have no right to come to conclusions before I know my facts. I'm sorry. I will try to be more sensitive next time."

I can see her giving in. I hope she does,because I need her to help me fix my asshole personality.

"You're right. You are an asshole, but we can work on that. And I'm sorry for overreacting over this whole situation." She says.

"You have no reason to be apologizing to me. It should be the other way around. I was the one who was being an insensitive jerk."

"That's true." She smirks at me.

"So, we good?" I say hopefully.

"Yeah. We're good." She smiles. I pull her in for a hug. I can feel that she is slightly tense, but then she relaxes and lets out a deep sigh.

"Even though we haven't know each other that long, I want you to know that I do care about you." I say into her hair. Even though I can't see her face, I can tell that she's smiling.

"Aww thanks Chres."


London POV

I think I like him

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