Chapter 7

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London POV

I think I like him.

It's been about 2 months since I have first met Chres, and he has been nothing but nice to me. I'm not used to being treated nicely like this. My affection for him just keeps growing and growing. I've liked him pretty much since the day he saved me that day.

I knew right away that he was different. He is strong, but has a soft side. And one thing that I really like about him is that he is so kind and loving. I see the way that he treats his family. He treats his little sister like a little princess and he shows his love for his Mom anytime he can. I will admit, he has his faults. He can be selfish and a complete asshole sometimes. But the good things definetly outweigh the bad ones.

Chres and I have become really close over these last 2 months. He is always looking out for me. He can be a little overprotective at times, but I really don't mind. I'd rather have someone be overprotective than to have that feeling like no one cares. I think I am starting to get used to the idea of feeling loved. At first, it was all new to me after having it taken away for 6 years. I feel like I finally have people around me that actually care for me and don't only want me for sex. I have Chres's Mom, Cindy, who has taken on the job of being a mother figure for me. She let me into her home when she didn't even know me or what my plan was. She makes sure I have food to eat and I am well taken care of. She reminds me of my own Mom, Theresa. They both share similar characteristics like strength and loyalty. It reminds me of being home with my own Mom and brother, Jacob. I have Chres's little sister, Maliyah. I never thought she actualy liked me, but apparently she does. She's like the little sister I've always wanted. And lastly, I have Chresanto. He has done more for me than I can ever repay him for. He is always there for me and making me feel better when I need it. As of right now, he is the most important person in my life. And I definetly need him more than he needs me.

This life that I am living right now is only temporary though. My main reason for leaving was to get away so that I could reconnect with my brother. When that time comes when I have to leave, I'm going to have to leave behind the one person who has helped me regain my sanity after all these years. It's going to be hard, and I know that, but I have to do it. It's the only way I can make sure that I am truly free from Rayan's aggressive hold.


Chres POV

Lo has been staying with me for the past 2 months and I think I'm really starting to like her. I've pretty much liked her since that day I picked her up off the street. She's the prettiest girl I think I've ever met. But not only is she pretty, she is different from other girls that I've dated. She cares about other things besides hair, make-up and how skinny she is. And I like how she doesn't take things for granted. I know she has been through some rough stuff in her past, but all I want to do is be there for her. I want her to trust me with everything she has. This may all sound cheesy, but it's just how I feel inside, I guess.

In past relationships, I always felt like there was a special something that was missing. At that time, I thought I was in love with those girls. But after meeting Lo, I now know what love actually is. What I had with those other girls wasn't love. What I feel for London, is. If I do ever tell her how I feel, I don't want to push her too fast. I don't want her to ever feel uncomfortable around me, and I don't want her to leave me. I want her to fall in love with me as much as I have fallen in love with her. There's nothing really else for me to say except for the fact that I am in love with London Perez.


London POV

I finally feel like my life is coming together. I can finally walk around, not constantly looking over my shoulder. I feel at peace for once in my 16, soon to be 17 years of life.

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