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Baby what you wishing for?


"Get the fuck back here you twerp!" Shouted an angry store clerk as I ran as fast as my legs could.

Tears blurred my eyes as the wind rushed in them but I blinked them away.

I could hear someone chasing me. All I did was take a load of bread. Glancing behind me I saw it was some workers from the store chasing me.

"Fuck" I say and run into an alley. It was nighttime so I could easily blend in being as I was dressed in black.

I jumped and slide over everything in my path until I came to a dead end. I panted trying to think of what to do.

The footsteps were getting closer so I put the plastic end of the bread in my mouth and started climbing the wall.

As soon as I grabbed hold of the ledge to a platform someone grabbed my foot.

"Gotchu you little bitch." The masculine voice snarled and I kicked him in the face making him fall back.

Lifting my body over the ledge I started running again until I came towards the other side of the roof and jumped.

Landing properly on the ground I sped off and ended up losing the workers holding the semi crushed food in my hands I walked to my home.

My body couldn't run any more let alone walk for much longer. Luckily I made it back to the abandoned building.

The night patrol was passing by as I snuck back inside. Once inside I collapsed from exhaustion.

Unzipping my thin coat I pulled out a water bottle and pocket heaters. Okay maybe I stole more then just the bread but god.

Was just trying to be good for the might.

Untying the bread twist I grabbed a slice of the white bread and started eating.

Sighing in content that I had food to last me for a few days. The water could be refilled the pocket heaters were to keep me warm at night.

A light shone through the broken window to the old mattress warehouse. As I ate I stared out it at the moon.

A smile came to my face as I remembered my grandma words.

"Remember Angel to always make a wish to the moon and it'll come true." I say softly before sipping some water.

Granny was always into things like that. I didn't really believe in wishes coming true, yet the next thing that came out my mouth was.

"I wish someone would take me away from this misery."

Life was hard after granny died two years ago. I refused to go back with my drug addict father, and I couldn't go to my mom cause she ditched me after birth.

So I been taking care of myself. I stole from local stores and found whatever money I could to get all my necessities.

I could only take what I could carry which was an old bag full of clothes hat I had outgrown, a quilt that didn't block the cold, and a few of my memories.

Other then that I had nothing and I am nothing to the world.

Just a black girl who didn't belong in this world.

Hope y'all enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment

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