Chapter Six

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I couldn't stop thinking about the conversation Alex and I had via Messenger the night before. I wondered what he was thinking at that time. Was he thinking about me? Did he thought I was too annoying and was really disturbing him? Was he mad I was being too childish or something? Or worse, did he not think about me at all?

I gasped. Was he thinking about Lucy instead?

I threw my purse onto my table and sprawled on the floor, knowing well if either of my parents were to walk in they'd thought I was already dead. Ugh...remind me to never go to anyone's reception ever again. Especially since it's a cousins.

Can my parents just like, not take me to stupid functions? At all? Because honestly, I hate having to sit silently and go through torturous hours of crap I couldn't care less about. It's exhausting, you know? And frankly, it's also hella annoying. Can't we just, I don't know, skip straight to the wedding or something?

Now, wouldn't that be a lot easier?

An exasperated sigh escaped my lips as I unzipped my strapless baby blue dress (easily....surprisingly) and stripped out of it before pulling on some shorts and a t-shirt with a cute small picture of Stitch imprinted on it. I then tied my hair up into a messy ponytail just the way I liked it and crashed onto the bed.       

There was something about the way Alex and Lucy clicked that bothered me. I mean, I knew they were childhood friends and all but, the way they exchanged glances and the way they're just extra comfortable with each other made me think that the connection they shared surpassed the border line of friends.

It was as if they both had feelings for each other but neither wanted to confess.

Oh god.

I guess that meant Alex didn't really have any sort of special (special? seriously?) feelings for me. The thought sent me tumbling several negative paths down the road.

It wasn't the thought of not getting Alex that scared me but rather the thought that I didn't matter to him as much as I thought I did. Ever since I developed the stupid crush for him, I kept wishing that he'd feel the same way I did but Alex had never seem to show any attractions toward me that indicated he liked me.

Okay, maybe a few but they probably didn't mean anything. Maybe I was just over in my head.

I sighed.

I hated it when I started thinking about Alex because when the thought emerged, it wouldn't leave. Or more accurate, I refused to let it go. Because of that, I didn't really want to think about it in the first place but once I did, I didn't want to stop.

To me, Alex was a drug. Well, the thought of him was, really.

It just wouldn't stop haunting you even though how much you wanted it to. The voice of it calling out to grasp you into its world was just really loud and it deflects any sort of defence system you put up. It overpowered you in every possible way and you can't seem to stop it. You knew how much you had to fight it but in the gave in anyway.

I knew that it distracted me from my daily activities and everything that I was doing basically but, I don't know. I guess you could say that I became one of the drug's most loyal customer and user.

I mean, how could I not? Alex was just perfect in every way and I was pretty sure a lot of girls from our grade were drooling over him.

Including me, of course.

You could say that Alex was extremely good looking even though he was a bit of a nerd. Just a bit. If you take one glance at him, you'd probably think he was a jock because of his looks. With his sharp jawline, perfect chin and tanned skin plus extra features including his brown hair and electric blue eyes, he literally could've stolen the heart of any girl in our grade.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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