Chapter Three

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I went home that day with a lot in my mind. Like, why did Katy suddenly decided to give me the silent treatment? Why did she shut me out? What did she meant by what she said?

So many questions that needed answering. I knew I was just playfully teasing her when I asked those questions but then I started to think about it thoroughly.

I drove home that day alone. Usually the passenger seat would be occupied by Katy and we would always scream our hearts out to the radio on the ride home but that day she chose to take the bus instead. Eh, probably to avoid a Q&A session with me.


I couldn't say it was my fault, because it wasn't. I was just inquiring her on the response she gave me when I'd said "You know, if you were to give an argument like that in a debate, you're honestly fucked." She'd responded with "If it meant getting fucked by you, then I wouldn't care that much." It was just hella confusing for me.

My mind kept returning back to those words she let out. I mean, did she really mean it? Or was it just a normal reply people let out without thinking? But if it was unintentional, she wouldn't have avoided me and shut me out. She wouldn't have given me the silent treatment.

She would've been sitting next to me on the drive home that day, making up jokes that are bad but still exceptionally funny. And I would be laughing along to her jokes while constantly trying really hard to focus on the road. See, if I could put it in a way, I would say that Katy was one of my sources of happiness. She liked making me laugh and smile, as if she too found happiness in me (which, I presume, she most likely did).

Katy and I, I figured, were perfect for each other. If someone were to explain the type of connection we shared, they might as well just make a book about it.

But then again, that could only just be my fantasy, seeing how crazy in love I was with her. Sometimes I would purposely be obvious about it, trying to get her attention and she too sometimes would show some signs as if sending me the same signals.

But again, I figured those were just my imaginations.

I sighed. My whole years of relationship with Katy has just been me fantasising about being with her when clearly, I had no chance.

Katy was the type of a perfect girl. She was smart (more towards street smart rather than academically smart now that I think about it) and witty and funny and beautiful. What made it better was that she could be really sexy when she wanted to.

Believe me, it was really seducing whenever she got into that phase. I was sure a lot of guys in our grade were drooling for her.

Surprisingly, she didn't really liked that side of her. She said that phase was reserved specially for someone. When I'd asked, she just flashed her most seductive smile and winked at me while saying it's a secret. Of course I almost dropped to the floor when she did that to me because, hey. It was very seductive.

I also remembered that one time when I came over to study at her house. As per usual, after I got in the house I went straight to her room and practically just barged in like I always did. Yes, I did know she was in the room but what I didn't know was that she was standing in front of her mirror, admiring herself in this cute and exposing lingerie she had on.

Well, that sent me straight to a seven minutes in heaven.

Anyway, the thing was, Katy always made it seemed like she was interested in me the same way I was interested in her. It was pretty confusing for me but as time progressed, I was dead sure about it.

But, seeing as how I was driving alone that day with no Katy in sight, the confusion appeared again and I was really, really stressed out about it. I was the kind of person to inquire everything I stumbled upon and that day, after driving past (and driving into, not to forget that) Taco Bell, somehow I found the determination in me to dig deeper into it and hopefully be presented with the truth.

I thought about it one more time as I pulled into the driveway of my home and I got out of the car. I entered my home, made a pit stop at my kitchen to drink a glass of water and headed for my room.

Once inside, I plopped my bag next to my bed and opened up my window. I was about to enter the bathroom when a voice called me from the room next door. A girls voice to be precise and I never thought I would ever listen to the voice again.

"Alex?" the voice called.


Slumping lazily into my (new or old?) bedroom due to the tiredness of moving back in, I quickly shouted "I'm going into my room" before proceeding to close the door behind me. Letting out a loud sigh, I took off my hoop earrings that I've had on for like, almost five hours, placed them on my table and just crashed onto the bed.

"Ugh, I forgot how tiring moving in is" I mumbled, rolling on the bed so I could face the ceiling. I took my phone out of the pocket of my jeans and checked the time.

4:00 . Shoot.

Mom definitely would want me to help her with dinner. Well, guess I should shower then since I was sweating.

I got up from my bed and made my way toward the cupboard that was placed at the edge of my room, which was the same exact spot where I'd left it before moving out (for a short while). I then proceeded to take out a (freaking long) towel before stripping out of my current clothes and wrapping my bare body with the said towel.

Tying my hair up into a bun, I made my way to the bathroom but before I got the chance to open the door, I caught a glimpse of movement from the room next door. A familiar figure, entering the room and dropping his bag next to his bed.

Wait, is that?

The said individual, without noticing I was standing in front of my window, opened his up and was about to enter the bathroom before I made the quick decision to call out his name.

"Alex?" I said, a small smile forming on my face.


Hey guys!

Again, sorry that this chapter is hella short but it's also kinda like another introduction to a mysterious character (wink, wink).

Anyways, I don't have any other thing to say so Imma have to cut this short so see you guys in the next chapter. 'Till then!

Signing off, Goofy

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