Chapter One

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I woke up with a sudden jolt. A ray of the morning sunlight was peeking through my curtains, begging to be let in. I sat up on my bed, wondering what time it was as my eyes wandered around the room, trying to find the clock.

Then, after a few minutes leading to no success, I finally just gave up and groped under my pillow for my phone instead.

I turned it on and at first the beam of light caught me by surprise. Crap. I had the brightness on full. I squinted my eyes at the screen to look at the time. 6:30 . Great. I proceeded to unlock my phone and just at that moment, a text came in. It was Katy, my best friend.

"I'm coming over for breakfast. See ya," it read, with a winking emoji at the end.

I smirked.

I could picture her standing at my doorway, smiling sweetly like she always did and asking permission to come in. Of course I could. She had breakfast at my place every week. She said my house was more lively at breakfast. She lived in a family of four with her parents, her younger sister and herself.

I'd asked her once why she favoured having breakfast at my house instead of her owns and she'd replied with, "I have a younger sis, Al. She's three and my parents are like, super busy taking care of her."

So usually I'd have to look at her face for the whole day from morning right until I drop her off at her house and that is if, she wanted to go back. It was a bit challenging having to deal with her childish behaviour.

But I didn't mind that much. I liked being stuck with her.

I get to stare her and look at her face all day. If I were to compare her with other girls in our grade, I'd say that I only had my eyes locked on her.

Katy was beautiful and cute. She was the natural type of beautiful with her hair usually tied into a messy ponytail that she probably didn't even care if it looked like that and it was blond, a bit past the shoulder length if not tied. Her eyes were mesmerising, the blue of it seemed like it contained the mysteries of the sea.

She was short, or at least, shorter than me. But then again, I was taller than her. I was around 6 foot which seemed to upset her really much (I guessed someone was jealous).

I fell in love with Katy around the freshmen year of high school and I've never stopped loving her. Everything about her seemed to attract me in some ways and it made me realised that, she was everything I'd wanted.

But I was scared she didn't feel the same way.
The doorbell rang. "I'll get it" I shouted. I did one last check in the mirror and rushed down the stairs to attend to the person waiting at my front door. I open it up to see Katy standing there with a smile plastered across her face.


Her hair was still wet from the shower and it smelled like lavender, one of my favourite scent. "Hey, Al" she held up a bag "I brought breakfast." I smile. "That's cute. Thanks" I replied, taking it from her. I took a peek inside.

Croissants. Nice! I love croissants.

"I practically don't have to invite you in" I said, looking up to her and I left with the door open. She gracefully skipped after me and closed the door behind her. "So" she said, catching up "What's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes and coffee" I replied short.

"Ew. Coffee."

I rolled my eyes. "If you don't want coffee, there's always milk and juice in the fridge" I said. "Why can't you prepare anything other than coffee?" she asked. I turned to her. "I need coffee in the morning, Katy. We all do basically."

"Well, I don't."

I scoffed. "Whatever" I said. I'm tired and I need coffee. Real bad. "Why are you being so grumpy?" she complained, pouting. I rubbed my eyes. Katy, why? "I told you, I need coffee" I replied.

I slumped into the kitchen with her behind me. My parents were at the table, my dad reading a newspaper with a coffee mug in one hand and my mom at the kitchen counter, preparing something.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Randall" Katy said in her usual friendly voice. They both replied with a short "Good morning" in unison.

Couple psychic or something they call it.

Apparently if you're with someone long enough, you could form a 'powerful' relationship which gives you the ability to mentally connect with your soulmate or some shit.

I don't know. I've never really believed things like that. They've taken the word 'weird' to a whole new level.

Katy sat down at the table, her face seemed like she was ready to eat a stack of pancakes and would still ask for more. I gave mom the bag of croissants and grabbed two plates from the counter, smiling to her as I did and slid one in front of Katy. Her face lit up.

"Hooray" she said, imitating a little girl. She's good at that, acting like she's just an innocent girl who doesn't know anything about the cruelty of the world. And you would possibly believe her if you didn't know her that well.

I then proceeded to grab some syrup from the kitchen counter and I brought them to the table with me. Putting my plate on the table beside her, I sat down.

Dad placed a cup of coffee in front of me as I poured the syrup on my pancakes. "Thanks, dad" I said without looking up. "No prob, champ" dad replied. I smiled.

"That's cute" Katy whispered to me. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, shut up."

We ate our breakfast in silence, stopping once or twice to drink and to try to make the situation more lively by talking a bit and stuffs. After we've finished breakfast, both Katy and I kissed my parents goodbye and we drove over to school in my car.


Hey guys!

So, that's the prologue and the first chapter of The Odds. I know it's a bit short. This is kinda like the introduction to the story or whatever you wanna call it.

Anyway, since this is the first A/N, I don't really have a lot to say apart from please vote, comment (if you want to) and keep reading the story. The next chapters will be better, I hope. With that said, thanks for stopping by and reading. See ya!

Signing off, Goofy

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