Long way down

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Adam is silent for a pause. "Are all angels assholes, or did I get stuck with Heaven's douchiest?"

He scrubs at his face with one hand and yawns into the other, and is completely unsurprised to find himself cuddling an archangel in the deepest pit of Hell when he gets his eyes open.


. "Come on, guys, we're trapped in Hell! Literally nothing matters anymore, so why spend eternity being pissed off? We can do whatever we want now."
"That's the most positive approach to Hell I've ever heard," Michael says.


"Who are you?" he asks again.
The stranger rocks back on its heels. "I'm God," it says with a little grin.
Adam punches him in the face.


"On a scale of 'I'm surprisingly okay' to 'Please pitch me into the void', how do you feel about today's events?"


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