Chapter 7 The battle of Wolves & Dragons

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As me and Halie recovered from our injuries Dj was bottle feeding the twins and Gerald Deshon and Zack were playing darts over at the bar called mawzz saloon run by sonny mawzz the youngest person but probably around 18 Halie and I decided to get a drink before preparing for the war. between us and the dragons.

Halie and me walked into the bar the smell of cigars and loudness of people fighting sonny says hey Halie, hey Karbaru drinks are up on the board if you want one Halie I know for fact you cant have alcohol because your you know boss said so, so grape soda? sonny asked yep. Halie said and for you Karbaru? sonny asked me uh just urban brandy. I said urban brandy? Halie said ah? Boss said that urban brandy is the best. whats urban brandy? Halie whispered I dont know thats their favorite beer Im guessing. Here you are. Sonny said giving the drinks to us well bottoms up. We both said clanking our bottles together then we got a little taste of something that kind of tasted funny we both looked at each other with discussed looks and then we both spat out our drinks what is this? is said this is not what I had in mind for grape soda. Halie said with a dizzley look in her eyes sonny laughed really hard oh man that was good that was just for first time customers. IT BETTER BE!!! me and Halie yelled now those this were just joke free bees but the real things you gotta pay for. Sonny said with a smile what you mean you got to pay to have a drink here. Halie said how much does it take to have a drink around here. I said its um 200 rems sonny said pointing at the board both me and Halie slammed our head down on the table why in the hell would you do this to us we dont really live here and we dont have a job here and we are preparing for a battle here sonny enough of your jokes we are really thirsty plus all we have were calva fruit were not very good. Halie groaned then Kinfinrar came in and said Karbaru, Halie did you get your drinks yet? no this jerk tricked us. Halie said with her head on the bar table Kinfinrar looked at sonny angrily and said Sonny I paid you to give these girls a proper drink to give Halie grape soda and Karbaru urban brandy do I make myself clear if you dont listen I will tear down this bar piece by piece. He said angrily at sonny y-yes boss I will give them their drinks now. Sonny said very scared then he picked up the right the drink this time and gave them to us this time well again bottoms up. Halie said then me and Halie clank our glass bottles together and drank our drinks Halie stopped drinking and said mmm delicious I love the taste of grape soda. Then I stopped drinking and I said I love this taste of this urban brandy taste like the soda I get when I was young when I was in aurora. well we better get everyone ready hey sonny can we take these drinks to go? Halie asked sure. Sonny said cheerfully alright you two ready to head to the hall for the meeting? Kinfinrar asked me and Halie nodded well lets go we need to get ready buy first youll need these. He pulled out some black leather armor for both of us that had a paw of a wolf on the left chest area sweet thanks knfinrar who made these? Halie asked asked one of your friends they even made their own even the tech they have they built into it so you can morph into your wolf without breaking it. lets get these on right away. I said Halie nodded and we left the bar area boys head up to the hall were going there. Kinfinrar said ok Kinfinrar. The guys said then boys left then Kinfinrar sat down at the bar and sonny said you havent told them yet have you? I know he was not the only one who can control him but I am the good one he was the evil one I will not turn out like he did. Kinfinrar said I hope not. Sonny said wiping off a table. you should come too after all you are a soldier too. Kinfinrar said yeah but Im too young and whose going to run my bar? sonny said good point, well I better get to the battle hall to prepare the battle for Halie and Karbarus team. Kinfinrar said alright boss Ill meet you there when youre ready for a village meeting. Kinfinrar nodded and left the bar and followed me and Halie and the rest of the crew. In the hall of battle rov put out a map of the world of Dragfos with different islands alright were right here Deshon Gerald Zack dj I want you to be on the front lines with the men who are taking on the dragons me and Halie will take on Dragfo Quinton and Abbie meanwhile Sapphire you and the rest of the crew will be back up of Zack and Gerald an Deshon and dj. I said meanwhile my men will using their new skilled weapons that you gave us the arrow gun artillery is a little short but thanks to Halie here she fixed that. Now we all agree that this is our plan. Kinfinrar said then all of a sudden we all heard the horn of warning that meant that there were dragons approaching then I heard a dragon roar not far away well we have no choice now do we? Dragons! To arms men to arms! rov yelled to the people of kokomawer village Halie looked at me and said lets go we know what to do these guys know there place. I nodded and ran out with Halie looking for my brother. kimo luk zutk where is the aurorians? ordered a bronze-green dragon you will not take her she is the ultimate power against you dragons. Yelled Rov Corsuma I have found them theyre heading west where Dragfo is. Yelled a Brown-grey dragon flying in the air youre lucky Scallune let go the rest of you fight. Yelled Corsuma then fling off to capture Halie and I then the battle of kokomawer village broke out Deshon was about to get attacked by a dragon when he remember Halie shouted something and he wanted to try it. FUR RO DAH! he shouted a blast from his voice erupted and blasted the dragon away It works then he radioed his brother and the other team members and said the shout works everyone use the shout that Halie used in the battle against Dragfo and Abbie and Quinton then he grabbed a sword from a dead dragon humanoid and started killing the rest of the dragon humanoids meanwhile me and Halie in the forest of palm trees then out of nowhere Corsuma and Scallune appeared koso vila suma thuum so your friends can talk as the way of dragon can your voice is strong but not as strong as us. Scallune said FUS RO DUH! they both shouted and blasted me and Halie into a tree then Halie was pinned to a palm tree by the dragon graaaaaaagh. Stop please stop. Halie plead in pain while blood was coming out of her lips or what oma kila let you go and then have a thuum child be born never. Corsuma snarled anger rushed through me something snapped in me that day I felt more strength in me I lifted the dragons hand off me and threw him clear across the island. k-Karbaru wha-what wrong? Halie moaned trying to get free aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggggh. I screamed a silver aura was surrounding me my brown hair was silver now and all spiked up the stories of the super wolf true and I was one of them and I bet Halie is one of them too I opened my eyes and my eyes were golden yellow not hazel s-super wolf?!? Halie said smiling before she went out cold I punched the dragon Corsuma in the face and he went to the village I stood next to Halie trying to protect her in case if they come back Halie looked up at me and say my silver tail and my long spiked silver hair then she went out cold again then I turned back to myself again I ran towards Halie and I lifted her in my arms I thought of the healing spell then I said to Halie this might hurt a bit but I hope it helps. I put my hand on her chest sut ma hela kut selia me laka. (Translation: heal wounds.) I chanted then my hand started glowing thank god Halie took a big gasp of air and her eyes rolled back come on Halie just hang in there. I thought then my hand stopped glowing and she settled down and fell asleep I saw something a button on my arm that said ultrasound machine then I realized Halie is pregnant and I need to check if the baby is okay I pressed it then a little screen came out of my arm with a scanner then I said I thought I knew this jelly stuff on my belt was for. Then I realized Halie was wearing the super morphing suit this is awkward. I said with a weird looking face and scratching my head then I unzipped it a little bit then I put the jelly on her stomach then I started scanning I saw the baby and it was perfectly healthy then I cleaned the jelly off Halie and zipped her suit back up whew healthy as can be I should tell Halie. I said uugh my head what happened. Halie said well I healed you and I scanned the baby. I said eeek did you have to you know Jaraki could have done it. Halie said yeah I know but the babys healthy. I said well we better get after Abbie and Quinton and Dragfo hopefully the guys are taking on the minions of Dragfos otherwise well all be in danger. Halie said standing up then Corsuma and Scallune returned to our spot kuma stra lupa you have the spirit and the power of the wolf but the unborn the bumba lupi the baby inside your friend needs protection we dragons served Dragfo long enough well serve you now Karbaru aurora and Halie kolton. Corsuma said the dragons bowed to me in servitude we honor your lordship Karbaru what do you want us to do? Scallune asked we need to catch up to the evil ones Abbie Quinton and Dragfo. I said also make sure your troops follow my orders too. As you wish Karbaru. Scallune. Then Scallune and Corsuma roared and they yelled all forces retreat we have finished our job. Then the dragons all flew away then the rest of the crew came guys you alright? Deshon asked running DJ came running with the kids and everyone else came alright everybody this is it the way to get out of here we have to beat Abbie and Quinton and destroy Dragfo. I said no matter what we have to stop them and make sure we get out of this book. Halie said maybe this will help you. A voice boomed that sounded like quintons then we all looked over where the voice came from it was Quinton and Abbie and even Dragfo. It was time to fight the last fight between my crew and me verses Quinton Abbie and Dragfo it was about time to get Dragfo to back to the real world hopefully we can go back to the real world without damage. I just hope I can get back home before its too late.

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