Chapter 3: The birth of James and Amy and the Dragon Fight

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Gaaaaagh! I screamed Karbaru, your suit can open up at the bottom were your birth canal is I need you to press your first letter of your name tag to open it. Then I pressed it made the bottom part of my suit into a part of a skirt Jessica, get me some white latex gloves now! Halie yelled here. Jessica said giving her gloves then Halie put them on meanwhile outside get the weapons ready and aim at the heart. Zackerolf yelled towards the soldiers and the boys of my squad. Then two other people appeared with a little one beside them and the dragon was flying above them. They were coming closer and closer then Gerald realized it was Abbie and Quinton back at the hut gaaaaaaaagh. I screamed come on Karbaru push you can do it. Halie said grrrraagh. I groaned then I heard a baby crying, Halie looked up at me and said happily its a boy. I was breathing heavy and I smiled Halie cut the cord for him and gave him to Anna to wash him he needs a name. DJ said, I was still breathing very heavy James, James Thomas Leon Davies. I said exhaustedly okay honey we have one more baby to go then were done. DJ said putting his hand out again I grabbed his hand and I looked at Halie and she nodded okay, ready? she said y-yes.I said okay honey push. DJ said Graaaagh. I grunted Jessica was tapping my head with a towel. graaaagh, please stop I cant take it. I screamed Karbaru you have to this is a life youre giving birth to. Halie said then Gerald came running in and said we got trouble Quinton and Abbie are here. Then Halies eyes went from hazel to golden-yellowthis is not what I wanted. Halie said growled as her teeth became sharp then Halies claws came in and rippedthe latex gloves to pieces then she started to walk away from me Jessica help her out Ill deal with the pests. Halie said Jessica nodded then Halie walk to Gerald and said take me to them Ill show them a real dragon god then Halie grabbed a potion from her bag Halie you said you wouldnt use that unless of emergencies. I said in a raspy voice.I know but its the only chance weve got. Then Halie popped the bottle open the potion fizzled a little bit well here goes nothing. Halie said then Halie put the bottle next to her lips and drank all of it. Dammit not—aaaarrrgh. Halie said grunting and going to her knees her skin became white scaled skin her nails became sharp and black her eyes became a slanted hazel and wings came out of her back then spikes came from her forehead then her muzzle came teeth became really sharp and then her tongue became a snakes tongue then her transformation is complete rrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaggggh she roared jessica take my place and make sure they are born safe i'll be back Halie said Right! Jessica said firmly then Halie flew up and out of the hut meanwhile on the other side of the field my brother, Abbie and their 3 year old son oh I forget to mention aurorian and beartopian blood when they mate their offspring grows rapidly then the dragon Dragfo flew above them and said klivo lockrok Ive sense a portal has been opened and 12 strangers have appeared in my domain besides you three youre souls are dark but mine is darker. Dragfo said kovoileo lasana for my sistera threat to my destruction of the worlds. My brother said kuvini sini heh. Dragfo laughed you have a power of the wolf but have the eyes and destruction of a bear I will help you get rid of your sister but one problem I cannot touch her she has the protection of the children she giving birth to kill them so I can get to her. Dragfo said it is a deal. My brother said back at the hut GRRRRRAAAAAGH! I yelled I cant do this. I said yes you can Karbaru youre nearly there I can see the head just one more push. Jessica said O-okay Im ready I said 3-2-1 push. Jessica said GRRRRAAAAAGH GRRRRRAAAAGH. Then I stopped pushing everyone heard a baby crying its a girl. She needs a name babe. I said Amy Nicolette Lenore Davies DJ said then DJ was hold his own first born son hey buddy its your daddy dont worry I will protect you no matter what. then I said they need protection if my brothers here hes going to kill them. Not my kids not when Im still breathing.

Then a man came in and said there is one person who can he name is dewai mekewiak he is a very powerful person her can make things he can give people stuff. like powers? savannah asked the man nodded well where do we find him? DJ asked he lives of the second island kuake island far away from here everytime we send men to go get him from being a soul snack to Dragfo these sea creature pop out and eat the boat whole. Tell him to come here then use a falcon or something for a letter to use it to get to him. I said I think I can do that. Then he went to his hut pulled out a falcon cage that had a falcon in it he quickly wrote a letter then he put the letter in a small compartment on the falcons waist and sent the falcon flying to the second island, then we all heard a thundering voice ku vol duing! it was much like a dragons voice I am Dragfo hear my words bring the woman whom gave birth to twins and I will leave this place unharmed. sorry Karbaru and her kids arent for sale. A voice said that was like Halies but in a deeper tone FUS RO DUH! The voice shouted in my mind I knew that was Halie, meanwhile at the other island where dewai mekewiak lives and a man came out of a little hut with a black robe with a hood over his head then the falcon the man sent cry overhead above the sky of the mans hut the man looked up his hood dropped down to his shoulders the man had black-grayish hair with a beard too. Then he lifted his arm so the falcon can land on his arm the falcon swooped down and landed he took the paper from the falcons small compartment around his waist and he read it Twins and a mother in danger Dragfo has returned? I must go. The man said he lifted his arm released the falcon then he put his hands together and said in aurorian language kacantma lucio relo alcmo dulch. (Translation) Transport me to where I most desire. Then a blackish-purple cloud appeared where he was standing the cloud consumed him then he was gone. Back at the first island fight with all your might hunters we dont want him to take Karbaru and her kids yelled zacherolf, I was still laying on the floor then I started breathing heavy Karbaru whats wrong? Jessica asked I felt a sharp pain in my stomach then I realized Halie and I are synced we can feel each others pain then I heard Halie yell FUS RO DUH! before collapsing into the sealing where she came out from her wings went back into her skin GAAAAAGH she yelled the white scales turned into peach-tan skin claws reverted back into fingernails her muzzle of the dragon revert to her normal face the horns on her face reverted back into her face her skin absorbed the horns her eyes went from slanted hazel eyes to normal hazel eyes. grrrrraaaaggggh. Halie grunted and moaned ZZACK! Halie screamed in pain Kinfinrar and Zack rush into the hut oh no tuska poison Russo. Kinfinrar yelled a man with dark hair and brown eyes appeared yes sir said the man get me tea leaves luka leaf extract and um jando berry looks like we have to make the antidote by scratch.Kar—Karbaru. Halie grunted put this code on your suits keypad where I put your birth code in it will..Put your suit back to normal. Halie coughed I nodded I put my hand slowly up to the keypad 1..9..2..5...4..8...I put the code in my skirt reformed into pants. grrrraaannnnngh. Halie yelped Halie whats wrong. Zack asked grrrrrraaaaaaaggggh nnnnngh. I moaned as I jerked up and down so fast you couldnt blink my heart monitor was going crazy can somebody get the bloody leaders over here now Russo yelled out the door Zacherolf rov and Kravlin came by Kinfinrar side and said I think its time to help these two werewolves out. Zacherolf said time to show our power as the ancient one taught us. Kinfinrar said wait how did you know? DJ asked because my friend we can smell your kinds evolutions stage evolution stage?! Jessica said my father told me the stories a man or woman who is an aurorian can transform in the full moon for only a few hours they would protect their kin and only help the ones who are going through what they are going through but it also helps them when they change back they receive more power than ever every month theyll get stronger and stronger until they become a superwolf. Kravlin said superwolf whats that? GRRRAAAGH. Halie asked as her bones popped then grunted my father was saying his twin brother was a werewolf and got turned into a super wolf  Grrrraaagh. I yelled Karbaru, Halie please calm yourselves just breath or your just make the pain worse. Rov said Halie looked at her hands through her eyes all she could see was green blue and yellow Halie looked at her left hand her fingers began to change before her ring fell Zack quick get the ring. She yelled he quickly grabbed the ring. Halie took a breath but before she could take an exhale a bone cracked in her body she landed on the floor AAAAAAAAAGHH. Halie yelled her eyes changed from hazel to golden-yellow her ears pointing out like and elf her teeth became a sharp point her face became a muzzle thrusting forward tears came running down Halies wolf eyes white fur bristle out of her neck and side of her head her hands became paws her back became a wolf canine spine her feet became hind legs like a dog muscles began to grow with the wolfs strength everyone backed away except for me my children DJ Kinfinrar, Ren, Zacherolf, and Kravlin. Kinfinrar and the rest of the leaders were protecting me because my werewolf form was too weak to battle after all I just had kids DJ was already in his wolf form his wolf color was a deep golden brown with a gold stripe down from his head to tail Jessica and Sapphire was holding my children that were in their wolf forms James was a Black wolf and Amy was a Grey wolf just like Isabella has but a darker grey Kinfinrar, we need to morph now. Rov whispered not yet wait and see she might be able to control it. Kinfinrar said andwhat if she doesnt do we just stand her and let her kill everyone. Zacherolf said I believe she can pull through too. Kravlin said but her werewolf might think were a threat to her if we dont morph Kinfinrar. Ren whispered youre probably right lets morph. Then they all morphed into a wolf right in front of me and all the boys and girls of my squad Ren was all white with a brown stripe from head to tail with the same tattoos he had in his human form so did Kravlin but with his wolf was white with red hair at the top with the same tattoos Kinfinrars wolf was different his wolf was all gold with the green tattoo on his face zacherolfs wolf was all white with the same tattoos as well. Their transformation was complete Halie looked at each one of them her werewolf was breathing very heavy then Halies werewolf fainted and slowly and painfully she turned back to herself NNNNNGHHHH.Halie moaned and grunted, Zack rushed to her, her brown hair hanging over her face he lifted it up the hair her eyes were open with her wolf eyes and some fangs were still there but then they reverted back into her then Halie said babe did Kinfinrar and the other just morph into wolves like us? she said breathing heavy yes babe they wanted to let your werewolf know theyre on its side. Then Halie was relieved and they wanted to see if you can control it Zack said I think I just prove that to them. Halie said. Then Halie said uh can you guys give us some uh you know privacy. Right before you do drink this, this might help that poisoned wound of yours Thanks. Then Halie drank it then she made a sour face oooh sour. Then I my strength came back I was able to recover everything then I said guys we got work to do Kayla, Vana babysit my kids for me Im going after my brother everyone ready everyone did the wolf-squad salute which fist over right chest yes maam. Everyone yelled Lets move I said except for Halie Zack they deserve a break. Then everyone left the tent including me then Halie and Zack started kissing then Zack took his super morphing suit off left nothing but his pants on then Halie took her suit off left nothing but her bra and underwear then started making out on the cot then they both took the rest of it off uuuuugh. Halie moaned as Zack started have sex with her uuuuuuuuuuugh. Halie groaned then Zack finished they both got dressed after resting for a bit Halie smiled and kiss Zack in the lips. Just then Halie heard the most horrible noise she could possibly imagine me screaming. Then Halie ran out the hut and saw me being carried away by Dragfo towards Quinton and Abbie Halie knew she had to get me back. Dont worry Karbaru Ill get you back I swear. Then dewai Mekewiak appeared and said Im Dewai Mekewiak I am here to protect the babies by the order of Kinfinrar and DJ. Where are they? Up there. Halie pointed where is their mother? dewai asked captured. Halie responded dont worry well get her soon but I must give the children a special gift. Okay? Halie said questioning if this guy is for real or not but all she could remember is me being swept away but the dragon god Dragfo.

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