Chapter Sixty Six

Start from the beginning

Only now did her Father finally realise things were very wrong with his daughter and tore his eyes from his unrequited arch nemesis, "Aubrey, honey, you look like your about to cry ... do you want to tell me what happened this year? It sounds like you've had a lot on your plate."

Initially, Aubrey had been hesitant to tell her parents things even once she'd gained her body back but now it all came out and Aubrey found herself sobbing in the arms of her father as realisation after realisation hit. Madam Pomfrey did offer the crying girl a tissue once they arrived but luckily was tastefully tactful letting the pair remained undisturbed.

• • •

Fred didn't usually dream but when he did they were good ... really good. Right now he was in a cornfield with Aubrey, surrounded by a seven-headed serpent whispering perfect puns that charmed her. If he looked deeper he could probably find some hidden imagery but right now he was simply enjoying the fact he'd succeeded in making three (successful) consecutive corn puns.

"Fred, hon, you sure know how to ... Fred."

"Huh? Well, obviously ... I am him."

"Fred ... Fred ... FRED!"

The last one jolted Fred from his dream and he recoiled in horror as he realised the real person saying his name was his mother, suddenly feeling deeply unnerved at the seamless transformation from dream Aubrey to Molly in his mind.

"Mum - "

"Who? What?" Lee jumped before sleepily smiling, rubbing his eyes, "Oh, hello, Mrs Weasley."

"Lovely to see you, Lee ... and Fred Weasley, falling asleep on a bench in times like this," She scolded, "We've been looking all over for you and George, I had to say goodbye though before Bill and I head off."

"George ... " Fred grinned at the name before his voice trailed off, "He's ... sick."

"Oh, I shan't disturb him then but give him my love," Molly replied, "Fred, please don't fall asleep on a bench again, I sound like a nag but ... given the events of tonight and what Dumbledore was saying in the hospital wing, we need to be on our guard."

"I won't, Mum ... wait, the hospital wing..." He jumped up, "Mum, did you see a girl in there? Curly haired, skinny, with a slightly scary vibe to her in a good way?"

Molly blinked, an annoyingly knowing look creeping across her face before she nodded, "I believe so, she seemed a bit upset - "


"Definitely. Fred, please be quiet when you get there, Harry's trying to sleep and he needs his rest, he's had a testing time."

"Of course, when am I not quiet?"

"All the time?"

"Shut up, Lee!" Fred exclaimed before quickly whispering, "I'll be quiet, Mum."

"And safe," She said firmly, gripping his arms and staring him dead in the eye as she said this. Eventually, Molly let him go and Fred darted off, leaving Lee behind who had somehow fallen behind in the short window of time between Molly and Fred leaving. 

All other thoughts had vanished from Fred's mind as he charged to the hospital wing, yearning to see her face once more. Eventually, he arrived and was surprised to see it was emptier than expected, only a few beds filled with gently snoring occupants. It was quite easy to spot Aubrey as she was the only one sat up, legs arched under the white covers which was pulled to her knees. At first, she was all he saw but within a few seconds, he was aware of the presence of a second figure: a dark-haired man leaning over her.

[1] Lemons into Lemonade ✓ | FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now