Dark of the Force.

Start from the beginning

"Indeed.. he is." said Grievous with a chuckle. "*koff koff!!* He is ready to hear your deal.. do you have the information you need? *koff koff koff koff*"

"Put him on.." said Stacy.

Grievous handed the phone to Billy Vilch.. who was accompanied by Jason, standing silently next to him. 

"What's the deal girly? Ya know I'm taking an awful big risk.. disobeying Darth and yer Daddy.." said Billy. 

"I have a target for you.. and I'm willing to pay you top dollar.. and top victim.." said Stacy.

"Really now? " said Billy, rolling his eyes doubtfully. "Top Target..? I know you tend to provide me with top notch art material.. and I'd even consider you a good medium if it wasn't for that blonde mop you call hair..  but.. Top Target? As if you know what I'd consider Top Target... the mediums I search for are -"

"Mikoto Misaka." said Stacy.

Billy's eyes went wide. "You... you can't be serious.. but your Father.. and Vader.."

"Forget Vader... all I need to do is bat my eyes at Daddy and he'll do whatever I say... if I want him to lay off of you as you hunt her... he'll let me.. after all, they plan on killing her and the Academy City Faction anyways.. " said Stacy.  "I don't think it'll be that difficult to change strategy hmm? But.. you're not allowed to rape her.. or paint with her.. UNTIL I say so."

"WHAT!? You can't expect me to achieve such a beautiful specimen and just.. shelve it... !" stammered Billy. 

"You'll get to do it.. in time.. after I've finished." said Stacy. "Don't worry, it's a leverage plan see.. can't have us losing the leverage till after I've finished breaking a person.."

"Oh.. one of THOSE again!?" said Billy with a grin. "oh.. nice.. alright then.. consider it a done deal. Should I hunt her now?"

"Go right ahead.." said Stacy. "Bring Grievous along for help if you like.. "

"Oh no.... I have my partner.." said Billy with a grin at Jason.  "Jason deary.."

"Rrrrrrr..." Jason lumbered out of the room, drawing his machete... ready to hunt for another candidate for Billy's art.


"CLLLLSSSSZZZZHHH CLLISSSSSZZhhhhhh!!!!!" The sounds of a Photon Blade viciously colliding with a Noble Phantasm exploded through the dark empty halls... as Vader and Okita exchanged blows.

"HRRRRAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Okita turned into a flurried blur.. vanishing in and out of view around Vader, slashing to and fro..

But no matter how fast she went, Vader parried each and every strike in a burst of sparks.

"Your skills are most high indeed." said Vader. "Your physical power is also great for a Servant.. yes.. you are most proficient.. "

"Are you here to fight? Or Compliment me!?" Okita gasped as she leaped back once more..

"I am merely recognizing your potential.. " said Vader. 

"I don't have time for this.. I have to warn my friends!!" Okita roared, sheathing her sword and suddenly drawing out an old bamboo japanese captain's banner.  "FLAG OF SINCERITY!!!"

Immediately... Japanese Samurai appeared all around Okita, filling the hall.. various members from the Shinsengumi  that Okita once captained in life,  gathered, all of them drawing their blades...

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 4: Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now