Chapter 2

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I woke up to the loud, obnoxious beeping of the alarm right next to my head. Sitting up there was a slight pull to my stitches causing pain to erupt in my knee and travel down to my toes. I wrapped up my knee so the stitches wouldn't tear. I then slipped on some skinny jeans and a flowery crop top. Going down stairs I heard yelling and breaking of glass. Immediately I  raced down the stairs half running half limping to come to a halt at the kitchen door. Kyle and Lacke were on the floor wrestling. Kyle had his hands around Lacke's throat and Lacke was struggling to breathe. I ran over to Kyle and pulled the collar of his shirt so he would get off Lacke then punched him in the jaw.
"What the hell" he yelled
"You don't get to 'what the hell' me! Now what the hell is wrong with you." That was when I noticed his teeth. I fell on the floor laughing. Now I know what that evil smirk was for yesterday. My stomach started to hurt and soon Lacke was laughing along side me. Kyle only got reader which off set his purple teeth perfectly. That only made us laugh harder. Pretty soon Kyle just walked out, fed up with us.
"You put food coloring in his toothpaste." I said in between giggles.
"Of course."
"Lacke get your ass in here right now." Uncle Jason yelled. "You too Blake!"
"That's our cue. Got to go to school." Lacke braves my wrist and pulled me out the front door towards the bus stop.
"That was awesome, but next time let me in on it."
"You got it sista."
That was a good start to the day I must admit.

The rest of the day went on as a usual Monday would go. Lacke goes to the high school right next to my middle school. I'm supposed to be in 7th grade but I was pushed up a grade when I was younger because I was excelling in all my classes. Even now I'm bored in all my classes as an 8th grader. I have a few friends and we are considered the popular group but none are as close to me as I am to Lacke. We both have the same lunch times so he comes with his group and we integrate groups. Abby, one of my closest friends since 3rd grade, and I were walking to the lunch line to get food when I'm grabbed from behind and my mouth is covered. The hand is slightly callused and is pretty big so my guess is it's a boy. My immediate reaction is to lick the persons hand as a self defense. If they don't pull away then obviously they are trying to hurt me not joke with me. If that is the case then because its a male you kick hard in the balls. If it's a female then elbow to the chest. Either works really well. My father thought some self defense training would be good for me. 
"That's disgusting Blake." I recognize the voice of Lacke immediately. He wiped his hand on my face. I turn around and scrunch up my nose.
"You are adorable when you do that you know."
"I'm not adorable. I'm a fierce girl that kick your ass in hand to hand combat."
"Maybe in your dreams." Yeah he received a good uppercut to the face for that one.
"Look who's talking." I say as I stand over him and walk off with a smirk on my face. I get my food and head outside to our groups usual spot at the pavilion. When my brother spots me he gives a hard glare. I only smile innocently.
"You got something in your teeth." This only makes his glare even colder as his friends burst out laughing.
"I'm going to kill you." He said that almost to calmly. But being myself I decided to taunt him even more. "You have to catch me first blueberry."
He slowly rose out of his seat and turned to face me. I saw the deadly look on his face and paled slightly. Everyone around him discreetly moved away from him. I started to back up until I ran into a hard chest. Looking up I noticed Lacke looking around with a confused expression on his face. That is until he saw Kyle coming towards us. He looked down at me  and we both had the same thought in mind. We both took off. Barely hearing the the "Blake Clair Lopez, Lacke James Johnson get your asses back over here now!" Over the wind in our ears. The rest of the day went smoothly.
On the way home Lacke and I sat on the bus together. The bus drops us off at the drive way to my fathers estate. The driveway is about a half mile long so we horsed around walking up. Shoving each other lightly and laughing with each other.
That's when we heard the loud, unforgiving sound of the alarms.

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