Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I sit down at the desk next to Mackenna. She glances over and smiles at me.

"Hey! You excited for your first day?" She asks.

"Sure?" I answer.

I can already tell by looking around, this schools going to be exactly like the others. I sigh.

"Alright everyone take a seat!" The teacher yells walking in. "I see we have a new student." She says, her eyes finding mine.

I hide my eyes, pretending to be shy.

"What's your name?" She asks

"Skylar." I mumble.

"Well, Skylar, welcome. I'm Mrs. Thornton. Now class. Please open your textbooks and turn to page 384 an begin. Would anyone like to help catch Skylar up?"

Mackenna's hand shoots up.

"Mackenna! Thanks so much for volunteering!"

Mackenna leans over to my desk.

"Alright Sky. So right now we are working on French. Have you ever tried speaking it?"

"Français est ma deuxième langue." I explain to her. Translation: French is my second language.

"Votre bon." She adds. Translation: You're good

I finish in minutes.

"You doing okay Skylar?" Mrs. Thornton asks.

"I already speak French, so, I'm finished." I explain.

"So, then let's have a conversation in French. You start it."

"Bonjour Mme Thorton, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?" I ask Translation: Hello Mrs.Thorton, how are you today?

"Je suis bon! Comment pouvons-nous vous aider?" Translation: I'm good! How about you?

"Je suis super. Comme vous le savez probablement, je viens de commencer une nouvelle école en Russie, et j'ai déjà fait quelques amis." Translation: I'm great. As you probably know, I just started a new school in Russia, and I've already made a few friends.

Mrs.Thornton sighs.

"Vous êtes bon, Mme Skylar. Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez continuer et tête de tout le monde." Translation: You're good, Ms. Skylar. If you want you can continue and get head of everyone else.

I decide to work ahead. It'll be nice later. I finish two lessons before the bell rings. I grab my bag and walk out with Mackenna.

"That was a hard lesson." She complains.

"Not really. Mrs.Thornton let work ahead. I got through two extra lesson."

"Of course you did." Mackenna sighs. "Well, I guess I'll see you later." She tells me, walking off to her next class.

"Bye." I whisper under my breath.


"Hey, Skylar!" Lily yells, calling me over.

I walk over to find her standing with Amy. She stands, glaring at me.

What did I ever do to her? I wonder.

"We were just going to grab lunch. Want to come?" Lily asks.

"Sure." I say loudly over the noise.

We walk in silence until we reach the cafe. We walk in to find the twins sitting in a large booth.

"Hey guys!" Grace says excitedly as we sit down.

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