Clara shook that thought away and faked a chuckle, "It's alright. I'd get lonely anyways, wouldn't I?"

Mrs.Hudson,being in the living room as she dialed the maintenance's phone number, laughed along, "So would I!"

Clara couldn't help the laugh escaping her lips, "I doubt that", she muttered to herself as she thought of Mrs.Hudson's...wild nights. How would she endure ever endure them?!

After a few minutes, the landlady got off the phone and Clara snapped out of her thoughts. Once more, Mrs.Hudson gave her an apologetic smile, "They told me they might take some time to come here, It's a busy time of the year!" She stopped for a second, taking a breath. "They'll come in about two weeks. They'll have all the materials ready to start working- Oh, they have fixed my flat thousands of times! So sorry dear."

Clara froze- Two more weeks. No-No-No! By the time that's over I'll have gone completely mad. She recovered- and closed her open mouth, not wanting Mrs.Hudson to think that she hated living with her, she'd get hurt, and Clara would feel even worse.

So she nodded, trying her hardest to smile, yet ended up looking a bit constipated.

" 'S fine! I'll wait- thankyou for calling, Mrs.Hudson" Clara said, as she excused herself from the kitchen. No way in hell was she staying at Mrs.Hudson's for two more weeks. She marched up the second floor, and knocked on the door. Sherlock's door.

A few seconds later, the tall curly-headed man opened the door.

Clara and Sherlock had only talked a few times the past few weeks- since Sherlock was out most of the time, or locked inside his flat, and Clara wasn't complaining. Sherlock weirded her out quite a bit; mostly because of the way he stared at her, making her shudder under his burning gaze. Yet she was intrigued, he was mysterious, and she was very curious.

"Morni-" He was cut off, Clara had entered his flat immediately and turned to him, if she stood outside Sherlock would shut the door on her- probably even laugh at her request, and she knew it. Sherlock's eyebrows cocked up as he closed the door and turned to the small woman once more.

"Morning- uh.." She scratched the top of her head, as she looked up at him, not knowing how to put it in words, "I need to ask for a favor. Y'see, As you know, I'm living with Mrs.Hudson at the moment- It was all going lovely, until I noticed that twice a week she was bringing this bloke home- Larry Thompson? You may know him- Uh-" Clara blushed with every word, and was cut off as Sherlock snorted.

"Ah, the man from the bakery shop"

He remembered," I did wonder when you'd notice."

"Excuse me?" Clara gaped at him, crossing her arms over her chest, "You didn't even warn me."

"I did" Sherlock attempted to joke, "I told you that she used to be an exotic dancer. Anyways, let me guess. Your flat is not ready- I haven't seen the maintenance around here- And you can't take anymore of the affair, so you've come to me for what?" He quickly added, "Well, you certainly don't want me to call maintenance, you'd do that yourself. That means. Oh. You want to stay at my flat while yours gets fixed."

Clara looked up at him with a pleading look in her eyes, "Please? I fell asleep to the sound of moaning and doors slamming shut, and let's not ignore thats she's older than this building" She tried convincing him, "And that's torture enough."

Sherlock pondered over it for a minute, this last few weeks he had been incredibly busy with the 'Snow Case' (as he had chosen to name it.) Still, he had no idea what the mysterious "Snow" was, or what was it composed of. He'd taken a sample to Molly, wanting to get a second opinion, since John wasn't available to help because he was still in his honey moon.

Sherlock had to admit, he was getting lonely (as well as frustrated, he had distracted himself from the 'Snow Case' with easy love affair cases; Husband says he was on a business trip, but actually was having sex with his wife's distant cousin. Boring.) He needed someone to stand around and look surprised as he made deductions, didn't he?

Sherlock was planning on asking Molly to solve cases with him, yet he knew she would decline the offer; she was in a relationship and had been spending most of the time with her new 'boyfriend'. (Harry? Henry? Horton? Ah, something like that.) 'They won't last more than a month', Sherlock had added as he observed the couple , 'He's interested in someone else.'

Sherlock diverted his attention to the petite woman in front of him. The Mystery Woman, The Impossible girl. His eyes scanned her up and down- yet he was disappointed once again when he couldn't figure out anything about her. Sherlock eyed her face, she was wearing much more makeup. He could tell by the dusty texture that lied on her cheeks, which made Clara look much more rosier and alive. The bags under her eyes were covered neatly, but Sherlock could tell; it was all a lie, a facade. She was trying to hide how tired her face actually looked..but why? Why was she so tired?- It couldn't just be Mrs.Hudson's affairs, since they were merely twice a week and at one in the morning, so either she was a light sleeper or she wasn't asleep by then. Maybe if he did allow her to live with him he'd figure out a thing or two about her; who she was, where'd she come from and most importantly; Why was she special?

Sherlock gave her a slow nod, "Alright. You may stay."

CLEVER- A Wholock AU. (Clara Oswald+Sherlock Holmes)Where stories live. Discover now