Tiny Snek

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Tbh I never know why Roman is the cause for every mishap in the mind but I'm going along with it.

TW: Tantrums and child crying but otherwise none!



During the time of Roman's very existence he worked most days in the imagination to better himself in fighting physically and balancing mentally. The many dragons and warlocks he came across were no match for him and his katana and the fact that he could simply remove them with the snap of his fingers was helpful for him.

But not all days ended the same. Some would finish with a small curse, which Logan would help him through, or that he would appear back in the mind full of rage and covered in wounds from losing a battle. Again, he gets help from Logan.

This happened to be one of those days. He was working with a dark witch, a mother like figure to a small dragon, who threatened the Prince. He wasted no time in trying to slash his sword through the woman. She only fell when he made a hit to her stomach.

"You will regret this," she said, blood dropping from her red lips,"I will curse one of you pathetic traits, the one who lies. He is weak against me. Expect to find a child as soon as you are home." Roman brought the sword down on her neck and worked to appear in Thomas's living room.

As soon as he did he summoned everyone, a frantic panic set in his face despite his hatred for Deceit. He yelled everyone's name and requested Thomas came too. He noticed that when he said Deceit's name he hadn't appeared.

"Where is Deceit?!" He asked almost screeching. They all flinched back slightly but Patton made a move to summon him as Roman couldn't in his panic as he ran his hands through his hair.

Everyone stopped, mid motion, to look at the child by the window. A child, wearing a little yellow shirt and a top hat too big for his head. His little snake tongue stuck out at the prince as he looked up. The child, assuming to be the lying side, scowled at him, as if knowing he wasn't supposed to be so small.

"Roman, what did you do?" Virgil asked slowly looking up. Patton bent down and picked the toddler up and held him to his hip, the younger clinging to his shirt with his now small and ungloved hands.

Roman ran a hand through his hair a fifth time now and sighing dramatically. "I may have had a slight encounter with a witch," he answered while shrugging. This answer didn't suffice, however, as the toddler started kicking and screaming.

Patton struggled to keep the little snake on his hip so he held the child in the air by his sides while he threw his tantrum. It was obvious that the adult deceit was in the child still but Roman, nor the rest of the sides Thomas, knew how to change him back. Deceit slowed down his kicking but still pouted.

"You done, kiddo?" Patton asked. The little deceit nodded and Patton held him close to his chest. "Well, it's obvious he hates this."

Everyone seconded this statement. None of them had any clue how to raise a kid besides Logan. Deceit had stayed as a kid for about a month before returning to adulthood. And in that month it was surprisingly not utter chaos.

The first thing they noticed was that the child version of deceit was ten times clingier than he already was. He slept a lot and ate a fair amount. He had a curiosity for reptiles which was no coincidence. And it was no surprise when Patton created a small snake onesie just for the little guy.

He said almost a hundred times a day that Deceit was adorable, not excluding this opinion on his adult form as well. It was no different from his usual behavior.

He would aw at the very yawn of the child and coo when he was about to say his own words-having "Patton" come out as "Pappin." It truely was an amazing sight since they were all so used to hearing a more extensive vocabulary from the lying trait.

Overall, they all hadn't minded the new kid despite their own surprise. Sometimes he would break a thing or two and lie and say he didn't do it. Roman would dress him up in small bowties and suspenders. Logan would try to teach him some common sense.

Virgil didn't want to handle him but the little liar would cling to him whenever he got the chance to nap. He would just use the large hoodie for his own warmth, not that Virge seemed to mind too much.

At this point it was about a month later and the fanders were expecting a Sanders Sides video and this one included Deceit, much to Roman and Logan's dismay. They still couldn't find a way to make deceit an adult again. But with the help of coffee and pure fear they both worked several days in a row to find some ways such as potions, wizards, and spells of their own. 

And how did they soon achieve it? They didn't know. Logan was muttering a short spell to himself from a book and all they both heard was,"DECEIT" and a scream which they both assumed was a good or bad thing. To their built excitement they saw an adult Deceit sitting on Virgil's lap red in the face.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all," he said slowly climbing off of Virgil's legs.

"Ditto," said Virgil obviously uncomfortable from what just happened. "Wait, what did you two do to change him back?" Roman and Logan only shrugged.

"Well, I was only muttering a spell and heard you guys screaming so I think that did it," Logan explained in a matter-of-fact tone. Everyone slowly nodded, mouthing an 'oh'.

"That aside, why am I wearing children's clothing?"


That's nice. A bit over a thousand words. Although I left out some extra info in the beginning

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