"Oh and Max, remember, I can read minds…" He reminded me. Well crap. I forgot. That's how he figured out my plan! I ran up to my room, nearly tripping on my gross toenails. I sat on my bed and closed my door. I needed to think. Without prying minds.

I knew my father couldn't hear me if I really concentrated on my occlumency training. I needed to run away soon, but how could I? I didn't want to go to Azkaban. Dementors are creepy. Wait, my pollyjuice potion! I got up and grabbed the brown vial out of the bag under the mattress.  I went into the bathroom. Oh thank god I didn't throw away my hairbrush! I grabbed a fistful of my hair and stuffed it into the vial. It sizzled and gurgled a bit, before turning an Emerald Green color. Cool, I've always wondered what color I would be.

I knew my occlumency training was not very strong at all. I needed to run away now. Before my father decided to listen in on my thoughts again. But where? I needed to get rid of this curse. I needed someone who was trusting, who wouldn't freak out, who would listen to me. Suddenly, I remembered a book in my father's library called Hogwarts: A History. That's it! I needed Albus Dumbledore. I needed Hogwarts.

I grabbed my bag and looked out the window. I can't believe Lucius didn't board it up yet! Come on, Ash! Ivy! Now! I commanded. Ash perched on the strap of my bag and Ivy did that cool thing where he turns himself into a crown. Actually, he just bends into a tiara shape and falls asleep, causing his body to go stiff. The first time he did it, it gave me a scare, but he'll wake up in an hour or two. He's just taking a nap. I picked him up and slid him onto my head. I got my wand out from under the bed and stuck it in my boot, in the secret pocket I sewed on two days ago. I put my backpack on my back and walked over to the windowsill. I took one last look around my room and said goodbye, before swallowing some of that nasty but useful potion. I put the rest back in my backpack. I waited for the transformation to be done and looked myself over. Satisfied with my now-human body, I climbed up onto the window and jumped, apparating mid air. I couldn't wait! I was going to Hogwarts!


I appeared, out of breath, in a dark cornfield. The grass was higher than my head! I couldn't see a thing. The sun was high in the sky I knew, because it had been that way when I left, but even so, I could barely see. I didn't think this was Hogwarts, but I didn't know, I've never been here before, so I didn't know where I was apparating to. I guess I'd just keep walking and find out.

I awkwardly made my way through the marshy grass, my boots getting soaked in the process. I spotted a sliver of light father up, and jogged to it. I pushed my way through the rest of the field and finally emerged from the grassy grass of terror. I caught my breath and sat on a nearby rock, enjoying the sunlight. I didn't stay there for long though. I needed to get to work.

Ahead of me there was a stretch of super short grass, and then… woah. There was a huge shack, like six stories tall. It was put together almost like puzzle pieces in the wrong order. It looked as if the whole thing would collapse if you punched it too hard. This couldn't be hogwarts… could it? No, I decided. It couldn't be.

I closed my eyes and pictured the word HOGWARTS. I concentrated really hard and felt myself mush into space. Traditionally, this wasn't how you were supposed to apparate so of course I would be a bit off sometimes. I read in a book somewhere that you couldn't apparate where you haven't been before, but I can. I don't know why. I can also talk to snakes.

I appeared on a rock by a small stream. Ah, finally. I followed the stream for a while before it disappeared under a rock into an Aquifer. Hah, muggle stuff does come in handy sometimes. Like rubber boots. I arrived in a small garden of sorts with lots of gnomes around. What the…? I looked up. There was the house. Aw crap.

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