Chapter 13 - Harper

Start from the beginning

"Looks like little man wore him out. He made me fall asleep with all the questions he was asking me earlier," Lex said with a chuckle.

"I think he did. I should probably get Tristan to bed, it is way past his nap time and I think he's over full with the amount of nuggets and mash he just chowed down," I said while making my way over to the twosome. "It's going to be a while before Kelly gets back and I think I should just ask her to leave Tristan here with me for the night so she can relax when she gets home."

"Yeah, that sounds good. The girl does deserve a break, her boss does overwork her," Lex joked making me turn around and flip him the bird.

I bent over to take a sleeping Tristan from Xavier, and as soon as I started to carefully extract Tristan from Xavier's arms trying not to wake either of them up, Lex the idiot decided to unmute the television and SpongeBobs annoying laugh filled the room, startling all three of us and waking the sleeping twosome up.

I was taken aback by the laughter and the volume of the television that when I tried to pivot and see where the sound had come from I somehow ended up sitting in Xavier's lap, opposite to where Tristan was slowly starting to awaken.

Tristan stared at me as I stupidly sat there for an awkward five seconds before Lex's laugh brought me out of my stupor. I jumped out of his lap like I had caught fire and apologised profusely. Xavier sat there staring at me before shaking his head to clear his mind and looked down at Tristan who had closed his eyes again and continued to slumber.

"Sorry to wake you. I was just going to take Tristan to my room for his nap time."

He looked down again at the sleeping toddler, "I didn't even know I'd fallen asleep. I'll carry him to your room, don't want him waking up all cranky," Xavier mumbled deeply.

Lex sat in front of the television which he turned down and was watching some rugby game between the Chiefs and Sunwolves completely ignoring us.

I turned back to Xavier, "You're right. I don't want to wake him up, he must be so exhausted." I looked down at the time and saw that it's was already 1:30 in the afternoon. "It's actually an hour past his nap time. Are you sure you don't want me to carry him to bed myself?" I asked again hoping he'd say yes.

If I was being completely honest, it was one thing to have Xavier standing at my bedroom door, but to actually have him come in was something else entirely. It just felt so personal to have him come in to my own personal space but I guess I was just over reacting. Seeing him in that chair holding a sleeping Tristan in his arms gave me butterflies and made me think about how natural he looked with a kid in his arms.

I snapped myself back to reality when I heard Xavier asking if I was okay.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something. Follow me," I answered and started to make my way to my bedroom with Xavier hot on my heels clutching a sleeping Tristan to his chest.

I opened the door and led them to my bed in the centre of the room against the opposite wall. I plopped one pillow in the middle of the bed and two other pillows flanking them in case Tristan started rolling around in his sleep. Xavier sat on the edge of the bed and place Tristan down. I grabbed a throw blanket and threw it over him and gave him a little peck on the check while ruffling his hair.

I started when I realised that Xavier was still standing in my room looking at the photographs I hung up above my bed. The first frame held a photograph of myself, Macy, Brian and Lex in our graduation gowns. The next one held a photo of me, Suzanne, Mark and Nana Woods wearing Christmas sweaters two Christmases ago. Then there was a frame with eight different photographs of Macy, Lex, Brian and I throughout high school and university.

As Xavier studied the photos I stayed quiet not knowing what to say, Xavier looked deep in thought as he analyses every photograph.

After a long pause Xavier cleared his throat, "Tristan's a good kid," he spoke, breaking the awkward silence that filled the space between us.

"Yeah he is. I was wondering if it was okay if he could stay the night. His mum, Kelly is working two events today and I think it'll be nice if I kept him so that she can just get home have a shower and relax for the evening. I thought I'd run the thought by your first before letting her know," I uttered nervously.

"Yes, that's actually nice what you're doing for your friend and it gives me the opportunity to hang out with little T-man for a while."

"T-man?" I questioned making eye contact with Xavier before looking away suddenly.

"Yea that's my nickname for the kid. He's T-man and I'm X-man."

I smiled looking back down at Tristan, "He loves giving people nicknames. Thank you for allowing him to stay the night. It would mean so much to Kelly."

"No problem, I better get going. I think it's time for my nap," Xavier joked as he made his way out the door.

I didn't know I was holding my breath until I heard the door click shut. That was the first time that Xavier has ever openly joked with me. It was starting to feel like we were finally getting along, but maybe I'm just conjuring up something that I wish was true.

I decided to give Kelly a call and tell her my plan and she squealed in excitement as I laughed along with her.

"Thank you so much Harper! You don't know how much this means to me. I love Tristan but I think I just need a little 'me time' tonight," Kelly announced with pure happiness in her tone.

"No worries Kel. I can't thank you enough for everything that you do for me and the company and you know I love little Tristan. Enjoy your 'me time' tonight and you can pick him up anytime tomorrow."

"Thanks again Harper. I better go, we're off to the next function, a birthday and I need to prepare the buffet tables. Tell Tristan I love him and that I'll see him tomorrow. Bye!" Kelly rushed out before hanging up.

I started to feel tired myself, so I grabbed a spare pillow and placed it next to Tristan, laid down and had a nap of my own.

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