Chapter 6:

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                                                        Kellin's POV

I ran trying to catch up with Juliet just so she can hear what i was trying to say. But when i went out to the parking lot, she wasn' t there, and neither was Mike. When i walked back into McDonalds all the guys were staring at me. 

" Well, are you going to tell us what happened?" Justin asked. 

" We were talking and she asked me that if she didn't find out would i have told her. And i said probably not. Then she asked what do I mean probably not. And when i told her that with the was she was questioning me know then no i wouldn't have. She slapped me in the face and then ran out. 

"Dude, you fucked up. But did you tell her what really happened?" Gabe asked. 

" No! she'll hate me forever id i told her what really happened. And i cant deal with that, I cant have her hate me forever." I said in a panicked voice. 

"Dude, just let her calm down, give her time to herself, and if she calls you cause she wants to talk again then thats when you tell her." Jesse says trying to calm me down. 

We sat the rest of the time in silence enjoying our food. 

                                                Juliets POV 

"So wait, what happened?" Vic asked when i walked in crying. 

"Me and Mike went to go get food from McDonalds. And when we went there Kellin and the rest of Sleeping With Sirens was there. I decided that i should talk to Kellin, you know, ask him what happened that night. And I knew he was hiding something, you could tell by the way he wouldn't look at me. So i asked him if i didnt find out would he have told me. He said probably not. When i asked him why he said probably not he said that no he wouldnt have cause of the way i was questioning him then. So i smacked him in the face and ran out." I tell Vic, a fresh set of tears falling down my face. 

Vic looked at me while in deep thought. Mike and I sat in the living room watching Tv when we hear the front door open and then close. I look at Mike and he looks at me and shrugs his shoulder. I was laying on Mikes lap while he was playing with my hair. 

"What did i do to deserve this Mike?" I asked while i slowly fell asleep. 

" You did absolutly nothing." He responds and kisses my forehead. 

                                                        Mikes POV

I watched Juliet as she slowly fell asleep. She was to innocent to be going through this. And the fact that she thought Kellin was hiding something killed me. I know theres more to the story than what he makes there seem to be. And if Juliet finds out its going to kill her, and i cant let that happen to her. Every night i hear her cry herself to sleep and it hurts me to know that this is what Kellin caused. She was too good for him anyways. I just dont know how to tell her what reall happened between Kellin and that girl. But i want Kellin to tell her. 

We go on tour in a few days and Juliets' coming with, but she doesnt know that the tour is with Sleeing With Sirens. If she did find out she wouldnt want to go. 

I snapped out of my haze when i heard Juleit crying. 

"Juliet, whats wrong?" I asked her.

" He slept with that girl Mike." She said crying her eyes out. 

" How'd you find out?" I questioned, wondering who told her. 

" Gabe just texted me and said that there was more to the story than what Kellin was telling me. I asked him what he was talking about and he texted me back saying that Kellin left with the girl and ended up fucking her. Was i not good enough for him? Was i really that bad to where he had to cheat on me with some whore?" Juliet said, crying hysterically. 

" Calm down Jules, you have to calm down." I said in my best soothing voice. "You're perfect the way you are. He couldnt see it. You cant just beat yourself up about this. You had no control on what he did. It was his fault, not yours. Please just calm down." I said, rubbing small circles in her back. 

" I just thought he was so happy with me. I thought we were going to be together forever." She whined, while slowly falling back asleep. 

I cant believe Gabe told her. Kellin must have done something to piss him off. 

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