Chapter 2:

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" Just give him a break Juliet." Gabe says and gives me a side hug. I let out a sigh and go inside to grab  a cup of ice from the kitchen. 

        When i walk back outside i see that there are five more people that gathered around Kellin. I looked closely at them and see the floopy red hair. 

" OH MY GOD ITS ALAN ASHBY!!!!" I yell out. I see him look around confused and then his eyes settle on mine. 

"And what are you smirking for?" He asked me while giving me a hug. 

" Cause you should've just saw your face. That was the funniest thing I have ever saw." I said laughing at him. 

" Well you sure did grow up." He says checking me out. 

" Yeah and i guess the fans were right, your hair did get more red." I said laughing at him. 

" I'm sorry ma'am. But it seems like you're talking to my man Mr.Ashby." A tall man with 100 tattoos says. 

" And who might you be?" I asked getting a little snappy with him. 

" I might be Austin Carlile. Lead screamer for Of Mice And Men." He said a bit too smug. " You must be Juliet. Alan and Kellin were right, you are sassy." Austin says while chuckling. 

" Yupp thats me. And i am not sassy." I say and Alan gives me a  'stop-fooling-yourself' look. 

" Foods done!!" Gabe yells from the grill and I run to the food. 

"Woah, slow down there Speedy Gonzales." Mike says and grabs my arm. 

" Let me go... Im hungry." I whine and he lets me go while laughing at me. We go and get our food and we sit in a small circle, just talking about random things. 

After we ran out of things to talk about Phil came up with the amazing idea to play truth or dare. 

" If we play you're going first." TIno says to him. 

" Fine, Austin, truth or dare?" Phil asked. 

" Mmmm, I pick..... Truth." Austin responded. 

" Is it true you have a thing for Alan?" Phil asked, holding back a laugh. 

"Hell yeah! Me and Alan has had a thing for like the past three years." Austin says while laughing. 

" Okay Juliet. Truth or dare?" Austin asks me. 

" hm. Why do i have to be next???" I whined. " But I pick dare." I reply. 

"Fine, I dare you to... Kiss the cutest guy here." He smirks, probably hoping i pick him. 

I stand up and walk around the circle, before stopping infront of Kellin. 

" W-what are you doing?" Kellin asked, stuttering cause hes nervous. 

"Kissing the cutest guy here." I said, Right before crashing my lips on his. It took him a while to process what was going on before he kissed me back. When we pulled apart you could here the other guys whistling and yelling things. 

Everyone left about an hour later and it left me and Kellin cleaning the house. 

" So you thought i was the cutest guy there?" He asked after we got everything cleaned up.

"Well yeah. Why?" I asked a little confused. 

"Well I mean, I thought you were going to kiss Alan. Thats all." He says and turns a slight shade of red. 

" No, I think you're cuter than Alan. I say laughing. 

I look at the time and decide i should probably get going. 

"Wait, where are you going?" Kellin asked. 

"Home? Its like two o'clock in the morning. I really should get going." I say to him. 

" Won't you stay. Just for tonight. I mean, if you don't want to you don't have to." He asked me. Looking very hopeful. 

"I mean, I guess. But its only cause you'ŕe doing the puppy dog look. and its just so adorable." I tell him. He grabs my hands and helps me off the couch. 

"Where am i gunna sleep?" I ask him. 

"With me. Duh." He says while getting in the bed. 

I was dozing off when Kellin decided to talk again. 

"Juliet?" He says. 

"Hm," I reply still half asleep. 

" I really did mean to call you." He began. 

"Kellin, its fine. Don't worry about it. its in the past. Lets just forget about it. "I said to him, and he nodded in response. 

"So i don't want this to ruin anything between us. and i know you said to put this in the past but i can't. cause i dont like how me not calling you affected you so much. I wanted to call you juliet. i really did. But i didnt cause i know that if i did i would get tounged tied and i would ramble. Like i am now. But i like you Juliet. I really do and i want us to be together. I wanted this for a while and thats why i couldnt call you, cause my stomach would get all tied up and  would get nervous, and i like you so much." Kellin rambled on. I stared at him for a while processing what he just said. 

"Please, Juliet. Say something." Kellin begged.

I didn't say anything to him, just kissed him. 

"So does that mean you like me too?" He asked and i nodded my head in response. 

"Juliet, will you be my Audrey Hepburn?" Kellin asked me. 

"As long as you'll be my James Dean." I smiled at him before kissing him. 

                                                                        Three Months Later

I movedin with Kellin about a month after we started to date. Things were going pretty good. We're on four months, but lately things have been pretty rocky. 

" Kellin! Lunch is ready." I called from the kitchen. 

"Oh um, about that. I was on my way to Gabe's house so we can work on the new album." Kellin said scratching the back of his neck. 

"Really? Cause thats been going on for the past two weeks. How do I know you're even going to Gabe's house?" I question him. 

"Really? You don't trust me?" Kellin asks me in disbelief. 

" I don't know what to trust anymore. But until you get your shit together call me." I say grabbing my things. 

"Where are you going?" Kellin asked me. 

"Out." I snap back.

"Why do you even care what i do. You know I'm busy. i have to write and i just don't have time." He says as i'm grabbing my stuff. 

"Oh spare me Kellin!!! You were supposed to be my James Dean!!" I yell out to him. 

"Well this isn't a movie!!" I heard him yell just before i slammed the door.

If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey HepburnWhere stories live. Discover now