Chapter 1:

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Do you ever just sit and think about what happened to all your old classmates? What they did with their lives? Or what about your old boyfirend/girlfriend? 

        I know what my friends did with their lives. Started a band. Who might they be. Justin Hills, Gabe Barham, Jack Fowler, Jesse Lawson, and Kellin Bostwick, or as all you fans know him, Quinn. 

They made it big after highschool, dropped all their old friends,packed their bags, and moved to California. Just left, without saying goodbye to anyone, including me. My only bestfriends, just up and left me. I was so depressed, no one knew why, they just thought it was typical teenage depression, but no. It was so much more than that. 

¨So keep in happiness and tourture me while I tell you lets go in style¨ My phone started to ring, displaying a number i didn't know. 

¨Hello?¨ I answered the phone. 

¨Juliet! Hey!¨ A familiar voice answered back. 

¨Um, Hi?" I said back, unsure if this was who i thought it was. 

¨ How have you been? We haven't talked in forever.!" Kellin exclaimed. 

¨Yeah it has. Its been like what? Five years?¨ I ask, trying not to sound like a smart ass. 

¨Haha. Yeah. But um- we're home from tour. Wanna come over and catch up?¨ Kellin asked sounding a little to hopeful. 

¨Um, sure. Just give me like 10 to 20 minutes and I should be over there.¨ I tell him and hang up. 

¨Juliet what are you getting yourself into?¨ I asked myself while getting ready. 

I finished getting ready and drove over to Kellin's house. I don't think 'nervous' was the right word to describe how i felt. It was more like terrified, but i pushed the feeling out of my mind. 

Once i pulled into the driveway the feeling came back. I get out and walk towards the front door. I go to knock but the door suddenly bursts open. 

¨OH MY GOSH Juliet!!!! Ive missed you soo much!!!" Justin yells and tackles me to the ground.

¨Ive missed you too Shark Boy!!"I laughed and ruffled his hair. 

¨Hey, its Shark Man to you." He pouts and then laughs. 

¨Juliet!! Get your ass over here!!" Jesse yells from the front door. 

¨Ginger!!! Come here you fat lug!!!¨ I say while hugging him. 

Gabe and Jack stand behind Jesse and shake their heads while laughing at us. 

¨Guys, I know you missed me. You can't deny it.¨ I smirk and walk towards them. 

¨No, but we know someone who did?" Jack winked at me. 

¨ Really who?¨ I asked confused. 

¨Who is the only one who didn't run out here?¨ Justin questioned me. 

¨Um, Kellin?¨ I said and they all gave me a 'duh' looked. 

¨Whatever, if he really missed me he couldve atleast called in those five years.¨ I snap at them. 

¨Jules, we were too busy too call you. We had a lot going on.¨ Gabe says trying to reason with me. 

¨Yeah, well I had a lot going on too, but i came here. For YOU guys." I exclaim,  and that shut them up. 

"Juliet, we're sorry. We never meant to hurt you." Jack says to me. 

¨Whatever. Wheres Kellin?" I asked trying to redirect the conversation. 

"I'm right here!" he yells from behind me. 

" Kells!!!" I yell and run into his open arms. We pull apart and i try to fight the tears that were threatening to spill. 

" Juliet!! I"ve missed you so much!!" Kellin said. 

" I've missed you too Kell." I tell him while crying. 

" Why are you crying?" He asked while wiping my tear stained face. 

I pull apart and look at them for a while before answering Kellin. 

" Ive missed you guys so much. thats all." I said while smiling at them. They let out an 'awww' then gave me a group hug. 

"  Guys, sorry to interupt our love fest. But i have some meat that has to be grilled so lets go to the back yard." Gabe says and we all go to the back. 

" So is it just me thats going to be here or are there others?" I asked. 

" No, Pierce The Veil and Of Mice And Men are coming too." Jesse yelled over his shoulder. 

"Oh, okay." I say. 

We were playin a round of volleyball when we heard yelling coming from the front yard. 

" Whose that?" I asked getting nervous all over again. 

" Just the Pierce The Veil guys. but let me just warn you. Mike, Vic's younger brother, likes to flirt with any pretty girl, so he might flirt with you. Now the other guys, they're cool. And i know you know alan, and think hes attractive. But he's changed." Kellin told me as the guys from Pierce The Veil walks through the back gate. 

" Don't worry Kells, you sound jealous." I say and watch his cheeks turn a light pink. " and Alan hasn't  changed that much. He's still really cool. I talk to him every once in a while." I tell Kellin. 

By now the guys from PTV were infront of ux listening to our conversation.

" I thought you stopped talking to everyone after high school." Kellin stated. 

" No I only stopped talking to those who stopped talking to me." I snapped at Kellin and the PTV guys let out a series of Ohhhhs. 

" Anyways, Im Mike. And you are beautiful." Mike says and winks at me. 

" No. Im Juliet. But thank you." I say and shake his hand. 

" I'm gunna go over by Gabe, so you guys can just catch up and talk about whatever." I say and walk towards Gabe, still annoyed by mine and Kellin's conversation.

" Juliet, he really did want to call you." Gabe says as soon as I walk over there. 

" Then why? Why didn't he?" I asked, getting annoyed by all of them. 

" Because touring gets busy. We have interviews, and soundchecks and photoshoots. And when he did want to call you it was too late." Gabe explained. 

" So how did Justin have time to call me?" I asked. 

" Justin isn't the lead singer of one of the most sucessful bands out there." Gabe says and shrugs his shoulders. 

If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey HepburnUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum