Chapter 8:

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Its been a week since I found out Kellin slept with that girl. Today was the day that we were leaving for the tour. No one would tell me who else we were sharing the bus with, and that worried me. Once we got on the bus I made my way to the bunk i wanted and laid in it. I was falling asleep when the curtain for my bus was opened. 

"Mind if i lay with you?" Mike asked me. I shook my head and slid over so he could lay too. 

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked. You could hear the worriness in his voice. 

"I'm trying to be okay, I really am. But this is all too much for me. I don't know how i feel about what i found out. But i want to thank you for helping me through this. It means a lot to me." I say to him and give him a small smile. 

"I'd only do this for the people i care about." Mike tells me. I look at him with confusion. " Juliet, I have to tell you something. But i don't want you to interupt me. Okay?" He asks and i nod at him.

" Okay, so I've had a crush on you since i met you that day at Kellin's party. I never thought that it would get to where i actually wanted to be with you. But i do. I see how strong you are. And I want that. I want someone strong in my life. And you need someone whos going to protect you and i want that to be me." Mike pours his heart out to me. 

"Mike... I don't know what to say." I tell him. 

"Say yes then. We can try this, and if you dont like it than we can call it off. I just want to try this." Mike says and gives me a hopeful look. 

"Fine. But i want to go slow. I dont want to rush things. But you have to tell me who we are on tour with." I look at him. He breaths in a shakey breath and blows it out slowly. 

"Sleepingwithsirens." He tells me really fast. 

"Wait. Sleeping With Sirens?! Why the hell didn't you tell me?" I yelled at him 

"Cause you wouldnt have came if i told you they were going to be there to." Mike tells me. 

"Whatever.'  I huff out, and turn away from him. I fell him get off of my bed and walk out. I sigh and get out of my bed to and walk to the front. 

When i walk to the front of the bus i feel everbodies eyes on me. Mike is glaring at Gabe and Kellin is sitting awkwardly in between them. 

"Uh, hey guys." I say awkwardly. 

"So whats new?" Gabe asked. Mike, Kellin, and I Ignored him while the others answered. 

"So Mike, you need to tells us anything?" Vic smirked at him. 

"Uh, yeah actually i do." Mike says and smiles. 

"Well, what is it?" Gabe asks. 

"Juliet and i are gunna try and date." Mike says smiling. 

After Mike said that the whole bus got quiet. 

"W-what?" Kellin stuttered. 

"I figured i would give Mike a chance, because he was there for me after what happened. And I guess through that time I kind of got a crush on Mike." I say, shrugging my shoulders like it wasnt a big deal. 

"Oh, well as long as your happy." Kellin said and he sounded hurt. 

                                                        One Month Later. 

Its been a whole month for the tour and we got three more. This tour wasn't as awkward as i thought it would be. I wasnt feeling the whole dating mike thing and he could tell. We were still close, but it was more like a friend relationship. 

"Jules, I think we should talk." Mike tells me. 

"Yeah?" I ask looking up from my laptop. 

"Look, I know you still have feelings for Kellin. Everyone can tell. And i know its killing you to not talk to him. I liked the idea of being there to protect you. But i realized that what you really need is Kellin. I know i shouldn't say this. But go talk to Kellin. Hes supposed to be your James Dean, and you're his Audrey Hepburn. I dont want you guys to ruin what you had." Mike says to me.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me. And i'm sorry that this didn't work out. Lets just be friends." I say to him. He smiles at me and nods his head. 

"Now go get your James Dean." Mike says and kisses my forehead. I walk out to the front and i dont see anyone. As i was in the kitchen i hear all the guys stumble in and then  someone walk to the back lounge. 

"Wheres Kellin?" I ask, and everyone gives me a questioning look. 

If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن