Chapter 3:

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I drive around trying to clear my head of the fight that just happened. As I was driving i was looking at the sights that were before me. I had no idea where i was , but honestly i didn't really care. I just had to calm down and clear my head. 

I drive a round for abother good thirty minutes before I saw a sign that read ' Palm Springs, five miles ahead΅ I've never really been to palm spring, just through it. Many people talk about their vacations there, and how there are many good bars. So i decided to stop there. 

                                   Kellin' POV

I really shouldn't have got so mad at Juliet. She just wanted to spend time with me and i blew it. I can see why she was so upset with me and why she left. I was supposed to be there for her, i was supposed to be her knight in shinning armour, i was supposed to be her James Dean. But I wasn't. 

"Gosh you're so stupid!" I yelled at my self. Right after out fight i called Jesse and told him i wasn't able to make it today.  I stayed up hours waiting for her, in hopes that she would finally come home. Around one o'clock i decided it was pointless to stay up and wait since she wasn't coming home soon anyways. 

                        Juliet POV * Next Morning* 

I woke up the next morning with no idea where i was or when i got here. I only remembered bits and pieces of last night, but not all of it entirely. I got up and walked into the bathroom in the room. Honestly, I don't remember getting a room last night. 

When i walked out of the bathroom i walked into the living room to see a girl, probably in her early-mid twenties, sitting on the couch in the living room. 

"What happened? And where the hell am I?" I asked, a bit rudely if i must add. 

" You're in my hotel room? In Palm Springs. I'm Izzy by the way." She tells me, not phased by my snippyness. 

"So what happened?" I asked her. 

"You didn't cheat if thats what you're wondering. But you were drunk off your ass. You were dancing on like every table. Some girl was talking shit to you about how you shouldn't be with Kellin so you almost fought her. You got kicked out of your hotel room and i had to talk them into staying with me. And you lost youre shoes. Oh, and Kellin called you like 300 times today. You might want to call him back." she tells me. 

"Thank you, Izzy, for doing all that. I'm sorry if it was too much for you. Just tell me how i could pay you back?" I asked her. 

"Oh you dont have to, just go home to Kellin. He's probably worried." She smiles at me and pushes me out of the door. 

The hour and a half drive back to Kellin's house was the most nerve wrecking drive ever. I was scared of how Kellin would react to me just leaving yesterday. As i pulled into the driveway i saw heim sitting on the front porch. He looks like he hasn't slept the whole day. I put the car in park and walked up to him. 

He ran up to me and engulfed me in a bear hug. 

"Where have you been Juliet?! I've been worried sick." He cried into my soulder. 

"I stayed at a hotel in Palm Springs. I figured that we both needed space, so i stayed there." I told him like it wasn't a big deal. 

"Juliet, please don't ever leave like that again. I was scared you would never come back. I promise i will find time for you from now on. Just don't ever leave like you did today." He says to me. 

"I won't Kellin i promise."

" Just please stay forever. With me." He smiles at me. 

        *Three week later.* 

Kellin left for tour about two weeks ago and since then i've been bored out of my mind. I started to clean before i heard a knock on the door. 

"Who is it?" I yelled from the kitchen. 

"Vic!" The voice yelled back. 

"Kellins not here. You know that right?" I asked him as i opened the door. 

"Yes i know that. And I'm good. Thank you for asking." He replies sarcastically. 

"Then no offence. But why are you here?" I asked him.

" I came to talk to you. " He replied and walked in the door. 

" Okay? Well what would you like to talk to me about?" I asked getting more and more nervous. 

 "Well my cousin Izzy told me you were in Palm Springs a while ago." Vic started. 

" Yeah, and?" I asked, egging him to continue. 

"And... she told me what happened there." Vic said and shrugged. 

He could probably tell i was worried by my facial expression, because he then said, 

" Don't worry. I'm not going to tell him. But i wanted to say thank you." Vic says with a smirk. 

"Um, for what?" I asked confused. 

" For giving me inspiration to write my next song." He says before getting up and leaving. 

I stayed up the rest of the night waiting for Kellin to call me. By midnight i realized he wasnt going to call me and got ready for bed. I stayed up and watched three episodes of Supernatural before my phone started to ring. 

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Jules, Its Justin. I have to tell you something." He started. 

"Well what is it?" I asked getting concerened. 

"Its about kellin." 

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